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beall91 t1_jbjdyy2 wrote

Why does this subreddit not enforce a standard of requiring all submissions to include a sufficient legend that describes all necessary aspects expressed in posted visualizations? I feel like this happens a lot, and I’d love for this community to moderate a higher standard of data practices.


No-Assistance5974 t1_jbkm0p4 wrote

Just came here from the recent post about most/least educated states to say the same thing. Something as simple as a legend is so easy to enforce yet there’s so many posts with ambiguous colors, numbers, lines, etc. it makes me want to leave the sub but I haven’t bc there’s some really good posts that are informative and well put together. I would love to see the mods hold this sub to a higher standard!


beall91 t1_jbkm778 wrote

That post is why I left this comment! I think it’s a good example of a common problem.


DabbleAndDream t1_jcag1xh wrote

Agree! I almost feel like some posters do this on purpose, along with a controversial title. It feels like clickbait.


nathanhotsauce t1_jb9ry3s wrote

What are some good softwares for making data visualization? Something where you enter the numbers into a layout and it makes it for you?


Nearby-Candle-4499 t1_jbdk7ig wrote

I started with excel into power bi, as power bi was free to try and practice. The back-end power query feels somewhat same in excel vs power bi, so it felt like a good start for me


Ostracus t1_jdnt7vu wrote

ChatGPT-4 coming to the 365 suite should make this forum interesting.


edgebook t1_jecmkc6 wrote

google sheets do the job for me for most basic cases :)


kevdq t1_jb35enb wrote

Is there any AI that can graph a statistical plot (specially linear plots or from regression analyses) after giving instructions?


Mcipark t1_jbdpdrk wrote

it’s not an AI but there are commands you can use to run regressions and visualize data in r, and it’s generally pretty simple. You would import certain libraries, import your dataset, and tell r what variables to run the regression with. You can do all sorts of tests and charts etc, including chi squared, linear/logistic regression, Kruskal-Wallace test, basically anything you need to do to understand data better.

DM me if you need any help


foulmouthboy t1_jbmhlli wrote

Why is political data so much more beautiful than any other data? I especially marvel at the beauty of a bar chart and literally anything political contained within said Excel bar chart . /s


Craig1207 t1_jbsb469 wrote

Hi all, I’m looking for data related resources like a ‘guess the movie’ based on a dashboard clues etc? I have used the Geckoboard examples but wondered if there are any others or suggestions in how to create own ones quickly? Thanks - want to make data related starter activities before sessions


AboslutVodka t1_jbwj5ox wrote

I'd love to see a visualization of reddit communities. It doesn't seem too difficult for a sub to be in the top 1%


Swimming-Ebb-4231 t1_jbmuqfk wrote

What’s the deal with all these “let me show you how we democrats are way better than you stupid republicans” type post lately? Just stop it already


blackskyninterface t1_jc19un3 wrote

Are there any reliable sources for import tariffs of each country in europe?


DorianTurk t1_jc88dms wrote

What should I do with my Spotify data?

So I requested all my streaming data from the past year, imported the json files into Excel, now I'm not sure of something "interesting" to do with it.

"Interesting" in quotes as I know nobody cares about your music, this is just for me. I listened to 21,951 tracks this past year - I created a few pivot tables and have artists ranked by number of plays, but wondering if experienced people (noob here) have any cool ideas.


DabbleAndDream t1_jcafewn wrote

Maybe the Spotify “your year in review” thing can give you some inspiration? They pick out various stats about your listening habits that they think you would find interesting. You could maybe explanation on that data to start with.


DabbleAndDream t1_jcafvh1 wrote

Suggestions for the best way (most beautiful/interesting) to share demographics for a small region? Neighborhoods in a city, for example? I’m pretty board with colors on maps, but maybe it can be done really well?


djsedna t1_jcbyfy0 wrote

r/tipofmytongue... what are those super-popular "tree diagram" type visualizations called that get posted all the time here? The ones where it's like "number of interviews > ... > offer accepted" and shit like that?


datanerd2023 t1_jcg5svg wrote

Recently starting learning tableau, any tips on how I can take notes to retain the knowledge. Tried recording videos but that’s just too much space consumption🫠


kiikatt143 t1_jcle0ng wrote

I found Obsidian is excellent for notes. There's a bit of learning curve but once you learn a couple of tricks, it becomes an incredible relational database thats easily searchable. Obsidian does some basic data visualizations as well. And its free..


kiikatt143 t1_jcle68r wrote

Hi guys! Sorry this might be too vague of an ask but I'm having trouble finding the right keywords and thought yall might have an idea what I'm trying to do.

I'm looking for a tool that will integrate spreadsheet data (like a google sheets or excel), but allow me to edit it in real time as the data grows, on the backend. It then needs to automate the creation of a visualization, such as a system map, showing weighted relationships/connections that grow along with the data. Helps if its pretty.

I've used Kumu and Miro and looked at a few other tools but I have not found one that integrates real-time data input with automated changes in the visual map. The only way I have found to do this is create it with shapes by hand but it becomes impossible with more than 10 points, as I have to manually reshape them as the map/data grows. Help? :) pls thank you


EliyahuRed t1_jcm9fyu wrote

I am building a data app and have started to use streamlit as the main tool for spinning up the web page and displaying dataframes, however I also need an interactive dashboard like component. I find it difficult to choose between plotly and bokeh, I had previous experience with plotly within jupyter but I found it graphs harder to navigate in the UI. On the other hand seems streamlit support for bokeh is lagging as the last version they support is almost a year old.

Any advice for choosing between plotly and bokeh?


Dragulla t1_jcnaf73 wrote

What’s up with all the locked threads on Reddit lately?


Pentt4 t1_jcuzjue wrote

Can anyone do a color analysis of the history of WoW raids?

Were getting another "Red" raid and it seems like every single expansion has at least one entirely red color raid


mrsfoose t1_jdinzot wrote

I work in education and currently use Excel for all of the visualizations I make. Is there something better I can use? I specifically do a lot with trend data


MrGreatWazoo t1_jdkqlco wrote

Why do some many posters on this sub use a two tone gradient when a monochrome would be much more effective communicating the data? And then some people, ah jeez, some people seem to just puke random colors all over a map or chart. And I’m only slightly colorblind so I don’t think it’s just me


9InTheMorning t1_jduly63 wrote

Hi everyone!
This is my first activity as a non-lurker, I hope I'm doing right.

I have a question about what I can do to create/start my portfolio as a data analyst/data designer. Currently, I'm a front-end developer + data analyst and I'm struggling to think/find a project to do.

I'm here to ask you where you find inspiration/ideas/data to build visualizations analyst/data designer.

Thank you and have a nice one!


AboveTheSky420 t1_je58y12 wrote

I am the treasurer for my small HOA. I have an excel spreadsheet that has historic and current data of expenses and revenues. I’d like to make some cool charts and graphs to represent this dataset over time. I want to use these to present to the community and show our cash flows over time and where the money is being spent etc.

Anybody out there looking for a little side project to create some cool charts and graphs using my data? It’s not important enough for me to pay for it, but thought someone here might just want to do it for fun. It is not overly complicated dataset, and should be fairly easy for someone who does this kind of thing.

If anybody is interested let me know and I’ll send you the data.


nonlabrab t1_jef8x0g wrote

Hi all, i am doing a report ranking public transport affordability in Europe, and wondering if people have interesting suggestions to represent it

of course i think i will make a chloropleth map - the scores range from 0-100. Most countries score less than 20, with another 10 or so clustered between 40 and 70, 3-4 higher ones and one country scoring 100
Any suggestion for a) a color scheme that will work across such a wide range?
and b) any more interesting ways to represent the data you can think of?

We also have capital city data too in case that's interesting

Thank you!