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LoveArguingPolitics t1_jebbjod wrote

This is horrible presentation... I have no idea what this is trying to display


mil24havoc t1_jeb5l9z wrote

How do you get the subdivisions on the right given the category labels on the left?

How can 10% of optimists say AI will be bad or extremely bad long term?


bitmoresalt OP t1_jeb6zmb wrote

Even the optimists are unsure, so they still give about 10% chance of bad effects (on average). Similarly for the pessimist.

The data actually works in the other way: the right is the raw data, and the left subdivision is based on that.

Original visualization (which is also pretty beautiful but perhaps a bit harder to interpret):


torchma t1_jebbfa1 wrote

In other words it's arbitrary groupings. The original visualization doesn't suffer from that.


Guesswhosbackbackaga t1_jecfeuc wrote

Assuming I kind of understand what the heck this is saying, Can someone tell us what the area is “under the curve” on the right side is? I want three categories, blue/green, yellow, orange/red.


recklesslyvertical t1_jeclzh8 wrote

Computer becomes smart and decides Mans bad, but murder is worse, computer then decides to just kill all computers to curb man. Wake up one day back in the dark ages.


joeldebruijn t1_jedabcg wrote

Spoke to my friend Daneel Olivaw yesterday and he said they just need more positronic brains and mumbled something about 3 laws isn't enough and they needed law nr 0.


VulcanHajin t1_jebnzdd wrote

Hold on, you have like 5% that think it's awesome to have human exctinction?

This is more about the mindset of 1.7% of AI researchers than anything else


Dear_Spring7657 t1_jedgbg0 wrote

This info is leaning hard on the "assume that it will someday exist", it's pretty misleading on first and second glance. I know you probably didn't design the survey, but this attitude towards GAI should really be presented through a more neutral question.


GeoSol t1_jedhdc9 wrote

AI will be great!

I's the humans in power using it, that are likely to do something weird with it.

Like tools are awesome, but they can also be used to brutally murder people.

Same as anything else, when you know there's a danger, you take some time to put some safety measures in place.


PM_me_large_fractals t1_jefri3f wrote

What is this chart and why is it arranged this way???

Very confusing, is the left pipe self indentified categories with the right being those categories opinions? Took me a minute to get to that though.


Callisto778 t1_jebao5z wrote

It will be extremely good and has the potential to create utopia on Earth.


thehourglasses t1_jedfubl wrote

Narrator: “It was in fact incredibly bad, and created dystopia on Earth”.