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libertarianinus t1_jebq24x wrote

I just know my little sister was raped and the person is still walking in the streets after 2 years in prison. Well 8 months rest was in county. We dont have accountability. I was asking for solutions to the people who prey on people. Murderes rapists child molesters. Watch local news. Every night 2 people killed, thats 2 people who should not be alive. Eye for a eye, a tooth for a tooth.

I ask, where you are in life, are you there by circumstances or by the choices you made?.


Suspicious-Feeling-1 t1_jec2nd5 wrote

I'm really sorry to hear that and I hope your family has recovered and everyone is doing well. Rapists/Murderers/Pedos are definitely not good and should be put away for a long time