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gaban_killasta t1_jalmw0h wrote

Does this take into account hours worked? Quality of work? Age? Etc


bytemage t1_jalndwm wrote

It's not really a beautiful visualization though. At least to me it looks confusing and visually bland. Is there any reason for the column colors, or is it just your choice?


Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jalsvjx wrote

Not what I meant. This is purely a statistical measure. If you calculate the same numbers for a small county, You will have more biases than when you do it for a country. So, even if I add more biased counties, the national numbers will not be impacted much.

What you are asking is more information , which is sadly not available. Will dig deeper in the future.


thorspeepee t1_jam1lh7 wrote

There is no wage gap. Different hours, different performance.


sadko2828 t1_jamztne wrote

Why is there a country called Grand Total?


MezzaYT t1_janroqo wrote

All I see is a strip of bacon


hrokrin t1_jas3ohl wrote

The use of color isn't clear and I don't see any sort of legend to clarify it. Also, I'd point out as others have, there is no way to tell the number of hours worked by county and sex.