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DoeCommaJohn t1_jancu5d wrote

In theory, they could change some wording so that the debt doesn’t actually go away, but can’t be collected, so it technically isn’t debt relief, but that isn’t likely to work

Realistically, the only way this will happen is if dems get another trifecta, and with Manchin, they would probably need 51 senators. The court will say that only congress has the power to forgive debts of this magnitude and Republicans will never in a million years support this


eldiablonoche t1_jaoxf19 wrote

>In theory, they could change some wording so that the debt doesn’t actually go away, but can’t be collected, so it technically isn’t debt relief.

Which would result in a metric F-ton of lawsuits on top of the political pressure on top of the lobbying on top of etc. etc. etc.