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Assorted-Fruit OP t1_janxpw8 wrote

Data collected from the US DOT Federal Railroad Administration and Operation Lifesaver

I used Excel to created the trend line graph and pie chart after cleaning up the data to be more clear and condensed. Items combined and finished in Adobe Illustrator. Some of the categories for the pie chart were combined/reworded to fit the infographic, but the main cause is still conveyed accurately in my opinion.

Quick note about the derailment pie chart: The majority of the reasons are categorized as “other”, but these were hundreds of reasons with little occurrences each. I included all of the major reasons as labeled amounts, and also cherry picked the vandalism statistic as that was something I thought some people were curious about. I do want to make note: vandalism is not the next lowest cause after ‘motorist deliberately caused” category, I simply wanted to make sure the percentage for that was actually shown.