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Credacom_Eve t1_jb1zdd5 wrote

Your missing a color key for each line. What’s what?


theredditid t1_jb1zser wrote

Yeah. It seems only blue lives and black lives matter. What about the rest of us? /s


zzzwx t1_jb21x81 wrote

What is the sample size and demographics ?


EspHack t1_jb24q4q wrote

you can get more reliable answers from a politician than asking people if they have had sex


Decent_Ear589 OP t1_jb25zch wrote

Nobody would say they were outright sexless if they weren't though. Total number of partners, ok that could lead to some changes between reality and what you say.


EspHack t1_jb2l29p wrote

virgin men will claim they're at least doing alright while young women will claim they're virgin to avoid social annoyances

depends on culture, but this one is quite common, specially in less developed places


tungstenbronze t1_jb25e56 wrote

What's the lower limit - 16, 18? A rate of 90% of people having sex some years seems really high to me - or is that a reflection on me?! I think surely more than 10% of people at any one time are single, recently divorced, windowed, voluntarily celibate, unhappily married, religious etc


mkculs t1_jb2p9bo wrote

I can’t help but think people lie about this all the time.


Cocacolaloco t1_jb638w8 wrote

You can be single and still have had sex in the past year lol


[deleted] t1_jb263hu wrote

Show the married vs. unmarried splits. 😭😭


[deleted] t1_jb1wm3d wrote



Decent_Ear589 OP t1_jb1wrjv wrote

It says at the bottom, blue is women.


JPAnalyst t1_jb1ztqi wrote

It’s not on there.


Swazzoo t1_jdv5n5t wrote

There is though, something wrong on your end


PM_ME_A_PLANE_TICKET t1_jb208ru wrote

it is, you just need to open the full image


ar243 t1_jb20ero wrote

I did, and it does not show up.

I'm guessing it's something to do with dark mode vs light mode and the key being in a transparent part of the image.


PM_ME_A_PLANE_TICKET t1_jb2155u wrote

Whatever it is, it's on your end XD I gotchu tho:

The image for me is white background with a dark blue/purple line (key at the bottom says males) and a light blue line (females)


squeevey t1_jb266dj wrote

The measurements seem sporadic.


Neowynd101262 t1_jb2ck4x wrote

Numbers spike with the prevalence, prominence of smart phones and social media.


lookin_four_fun t1_jb20sso wrote

Now we need a complimentary chart showing the increase in prostitution


mathewp723 t1_jb21yah wrote

Just check Onlyfans income report


PurpleCounter1358 t1_jb2lbn5 wrote

I would think Only Fans would compete with prostitution?


mathewp723 t1_jb2lxx8 wrote

I would think it would correlate more directly to the graph, considering when you see a prostitute you're having sex. As opposed to people using the internet to buy & sell sex virtually.


libertarianinus t1_jb2dksa wrote

If this was a species of a animal, Scientists would be figuring out the cause. Thank online porn and the fact that 1 out of 10 young men dont go to college or work. Women also say they wont date a unemployed man.


[deleted] t1_jb2kvw3 wrote

