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Kabamadmin t1_jdvfhnj wrote

I always look for the U.K. on these charts and graphs because I forget about Brexit. I'm from the U.S...


mrscript_lt OP t1_jdvgcfh wrote

Indeed, soon someone may ask, "Where are Slovakia, the Czech Republic,
or why are Norway and Iceland included if they're not part of the EU?"
Europe can be quite complicated. However, the answer to all these
questions is fairly straightforward: data availability. If a country
provides data to Eurostat, it becomes comparable with other states and
is included in the list. If a country doesn't provide this specific
statistic to Eurostat, it's left out.


Away_Ad_5328 t1_jdvnraw wrote

I was going to ask, “Where’s Italy?” Thank you for answering preemptively.


karmacarmelon t1_jdvjzrt wrote

Except this isn't just the EU so if Iceland, Norway, etc are on there then the UK should be too.

Edit: it seems the reason is data availability


halibfrisk t1_jdxpp8t wrote

Iceland Norway Switzerland & Lichtenstein are members of EFTA - they are not EU members but are members of Schengen, the single market, and some stuff like Eurostat and Erasmus that the UK no longer participates in. Many brexiters claimed that efta membership “Norway status” would be the outcome of brexit…


Character_Speed t1_jdvkytr wrote

I do that too but in this case, while the UK is not in the EU, it is still in Europe, the continent.


halibfrisk t1_jdxp6vx wrote

““Fog in the Channel, continent cut off”