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Ayzmo t1_jbld6x7 wrote

Italy and The Vatican are tied. This is unacceptable.


shanksta1 t1_jbld1ec wrote

Italy with the technical win


41942319 t1_jblkalh wrote

The red-green scale here is a bit weird since it's usually used for things on a good-bad scale


SuchBrightness OP t1_jbmepog wrote

well proximity to another border could be seen as a bad thing as it's easy for an invading army to just get to it


petit_croissant95 t1_jbnm7h2 wrote

That's a fair point but it really depends on the situation. For example Italy is never gonna be invaded by the Vatican, so their capital being 0 km from an international border is pretty much irrelevant from a military perspective. I think a more neutral colour scheme would be better. Still a very interesting map though!


Paan1k t1_jblty3n wrote

Why is it a green-red scale ?


SuchBrightness OP t1_jbmeuxu wrote

I thought it looked nice. What would you have preferred?


Paan1k t1_jbngs86 wrote

Anything not "good/bad" related, because it's misleading!


JackdiQuadri97 t1_jbnj3o2 wrote

I think Ukrainians might not agree on this point


Easy_Watercress_2663 t1_jbpljwk wrote

A single color gradient would be more appropriate here to easily compare the countries to each other. If the invasion aspect was explicit in the representation of the visualization only then would red - green make sense as you have them established that the visualization is addressing a topic that has a good-bad dimension.


AlanKayII t1_jbnzr6i wrote

So this is invasion difficulty in a chart ?


SuchBrightness OP t1_jbl9gcz wrote

My source: Using measure distance tool on google maps

Tool used:


Firstearth t1_jblnrs1 wrote

Was there any particular criteria from where you measured on the capital cities? Dead Center? Closest point? Furthest point?

Iā€™m finding it hard to reconcile Denmark as I seem to have it about 5km less


rvnsprt228 t1_jbm4uuf wrote

Technically it should either be the nearest point to the capital cityā€™s municipality border, or the coordinates of what is considered the cityā€™s core.


SuperFaceTattoo t1_jblcgjt wrote

Are you counting international waters as a border? I would, since itā€™s technically a border to all countries with a coastline.


MrPogoUK t1_jblkfwi wrote

Looks like centre of London to the coast of France for the UKā€™s measurement. It would be about half that if you used the edge of London to the closest international waters.


SuchBrightness OP t1_jbmen4z wrote

No, there are several coastal capital cities in Europe, which all have an amount higher than 0 km


Humble_Salad_1075 t1_jblf98n wrote

Wow I never knew that Bratislava is almost in Austria. You learn something every day eh !


R_Scoops t1_jblnhpx wrote

It surprised me during travelling how Vienna and Bratislava overlap to form a metropolitan area. In my mind Slovakia and Austria were like chalk and cheese.


Humble_Salad_1075 t1_jblnmp1 wrote

Economically I think the 2 countries are still chalk and cheese!


R_Scoops t1_jblockl wrote

Slovakia as a whole yes, but most private sector and all public sector institutions are centred in Bratislava making it more in line with Western European cities.


Humble_Salad_1075 t1_jblogqh wrote

Ahh ok I never knew that. Iā€™ve never been to either countries but would like to go one day.


R_Scoops t1_jblsd53 wrote

I like Central Europe, but I found south eastern Europe (Serbia, Bosnia, Albania etc) more my cup of tea. The history surrounding the break up of Yugoslavia and the wars that followed is absolutely brutal, but so interesting.


Humble_Salad_1075 t1_jblsgxy wrote

Iā€™d love to go to Croatia as from what Iā€™ve seen on TV it looks so beautiful.


R_Scoops t1_jbm4i6g wrote

The beaches are beaut there. The coast is so long that itā€™s not a struggle to find a secluded spot by the coast


Motor_Assumption_290 t1_jbqupsz wrote

I know this question is quite off topic for a maps sub, but is ā€œlike chalk and cheeseā€ a common expression in other placesā€™ English? Iā€™ve never heard it, and I like it!


rjwilson01 t1_jblunih wrote

"effective conveying of information" I suppose , it's pretty and effective but the information seems of low value Perhaps divide by nations surface area,and number of invasions?(/jk) I quit like it though


Available-Evening-18 t1_jbldo5i wrote

Dublin is 55 miles to the border with Northern Ireland. Not being counted as an International border?


xopranaut t1_jblfmoa wrote

Isnā€™t 55 miles a shade over 80km?


Available-Evening-18 t1_jblgc8b wrote

You are absolutely correct. I was just looking at another series of charts, before this one, listed in miles and failed to check the legend on this one. I will be quiet now!