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thedybbuk t1_jdto61k wrote

So in other words, you want one simple solution that applies to all situations. And you think somehow this makes you scientific instead of dogmatic?

Nowhere have you even argued against anything I said. You are just insisting one simple solution that applies universally is best.

You are the worst type of statistician. One who wants to ignore human messiness and politics because they complicate things too much. You're basically trying to turn sociology into a study of universal constants, with all the parts that make humans an especially difficult topic to study removed.


merlin401 t1_jdtuf2o wrote

One one simple explanation adequately explains all the results, yes that is best. If the data showed something else and some pieces didn’t fit then yes, other solutions should be sought. Very frequently the most boring answer is the right one, as much as you want to make it be some complicated political thing.

(And for what it’s worth I’m politically on “your side”. The right wing media is poisoning the well regarding trans people and, hey, maybe without that this poll shows 16% estimated instesd of 20% or something. The point is you don’t need that explanation to explain it because every other data point is showing the same misunderstandin)


thedybbuk t1_jdtyi8l wrote

I'm not concerned with which side you're on. It has no bearing on your terrible logic and wanting to remove all human complexity from analyzing this data.