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Ortus14 t1_jdvdjqt wrote

Unpopular opinion.

At least in significant number of those the cases, the statistics are wrong, not most people.

From outdated statistics about trans people, to selection bias from surveys used to form other statistics.

Ontop of all that, this is a survey of the type of people who respond to "YouGov" polls, which will include trolls.

In addition if the pollsters were paid, it makes sense that most of them would spam 30% or a similiar number through most of the questions so they can get their money and move on. I've done these things with paid polls, and you get like three cents a survey so you don't want to waste a ton of time on it reading and thinking about all the questions.

You want to scan for gotcha questions like "Are you reading all the questions?" incase the survey creator was smart enough to include those, and spam quick answers for all the other questions.
