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gedmathteacher t1_jbyphnk wrote

My apologies. Herceptin saved my sisters life. Now that I see where it is in the timeline, itโ€™s the same course she had. She had the same cancer as you and wrote a book about it. I have no excuse to be so ignorant

Edit : she had triple negative


Ch1Guy t1_jbz8d1h wrote

Triple negative means the cancer doesn't have estrogen or progesterone receptors, or make excessive HER2 proteins.

Herceptin is generally for HER2 positive cancer.


MegBundy t1_jbyq89i wrote

Triple negative is a terrible prognosis. Iโ€™m so sorry she went through that. It is so wonderful she survived.


gedmathteacher t1_jbysxt7 wrote

Ugh she was HER2+, ER-

Thank you science regardless!!


MegBundy t1_jbytrpu wrote

So many cancers out there! How can we keep track?! ๐Ÿ˜†