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BluebellsMcGee OP t1_jc01bgw wrote

I was not looking for criticism, but I also wasn’t “just wanting upvotes.” I shared it because it has been helpful to my loved ones to see my treatment plan visualized, and it other patients who have seen it have expressed how helpful it was for them when trying to understand which treatments to expect. I hoped that it would be helpful to others by sharing it in a more public space, and based on the comments and DMs I’ve received, others have found it genuinely helpful.

I am baffled that anyone thinks someone going through cancer treatment is IN ANY WAY motivated by fake internet points. I hope you never experience a life threatening illness, but if you do, perhaps you’ll be inspired to use more energy helping fellow humans and less energy scouring Reddit looking for opportunities to make snide comments.


Ralwus t1_jc0z94f wrote

I realize this is personal to you so I won't reply further and have edited my previous post.

But just know that discussion is one of the purposes of this sub. I'm not trying to insult you.

> A place to share and discuss visual representations of data: Graphs, charts, maps, etc.


> Posts should strive to present information as effectively as possible.

> A lack of good design ultimately limits the ability of a visualization to convey information.

> If you have some design experience, please add some constructive criticism, so people know how to improve.