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KingTemplar t1_jbycfwr wrote

Well when they divided it up and got around to counting it turns out they had created 159 counties.

That’s not even the craziest state. KY has more counties per square mile than any other state.


CuttingTheMustard t1_jbz34vx wrote

An additional fun stat - Texas has 254 counties - more than any other state.


Master_of_Rivendell t1_jbzfcl1 wrote

Yeah but the size of Texas completely negates that "fun" fact, making it quite boring.


CuttingTheMustard t1_jbzfw58 wrote

And then you consider Alaska, which is more than twice the size with only 29 counties or California which is 3/5th the size with only 58 counties.

Lots of interesting decisions were made when subdividing our states.


HobbitFoot t1_jbzjawe wrote

Also, Alaska merged the municipal and county functions into boroughs.

Also also, Alaska has land that doesn't belong to any borough but is unincorporated, which makes Alaska the only state to have land within its state that isn't in a county.


WartyBalls4060 t1_jc0dllv wrote

Who handles LE in the unincorporated areas? State Troopers?


HobbitFoot t1_jc1w2e2 wrote

State Troopers. This is starting to become a political issue as some communities are now populated enough to become their own borough, but are choosing to stay unincorporated for tax reasons.


CrispyRussians t1_jbzg2o6 wrote

Some of the best county and city names ever. Bacon County and my fav city Cumming