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SUMBWEDY t1_jc0aofd wrote

and i'm gonna go out on a limb and say they didn't judge the market correctly. Otherwise there'd be a bank there.


ValyrianJedi t1_jc0gi0t wrote

The market there has nothing to do with how many regulations there are and how much red tape you have to go through to get a bank open... But by all means, keep thinking that you understand the market better than someone who own and runs a financial firm with a multibillion dollar portfolio.


SUMBWEDY t1_jc0ki3w wrote

But regulations are part of the market and should be taken into account when making business decisions.

I don't understand the situation but I can say there wasn't room in the market for the venture otherwise it would've worked.


ValyrianJedi t1_jc0led4 wrote

> I don't understand the situation

The fact that you can start with that then go on to make a statement about the situation is mind blowing. Think thats my cue to stop responding to you.


SUMBWEDY t1_jc0m4u1 wrote

How is it mind-blowing, if something doesn't work doesn't take a genius to say it didn't work.