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JPAnalyst t1_jdeto8j wrote

What am I looking at?

A full circle is 50%? Why? What are the dollar values? Their account balance? Their HH income?

The reader needs to work way to hard to interpret this.


pugwalker t1_jdeuq5x wrote

This feels like data viz rage bait. A simple table or bar would be so much easier to understand.


JPAnalyst t1_jdexa7h wrote

The 42% feels like a lot less than the 32% visually. This is the worst visualization I’ve seen all week. I’m normally not critical when it’s a person, but this appears to be some organization/company. This is a lesson...many lessons on what not to do.


SpaceZombied t1_jdewtb2 wrote

Data is beautiful, but not when it is presented this way. A full circle is 100% not 50%.


Waltzing_Mniotilta t1_jdetic8 wrote

I know it wouldn't be as pretty a diagram, but I would be so much happier of the 28% yellow curve was closer to 1/4 of a circle, and the 44% green arc was closer to 1/2.


CeruleanDragon1 t1_jdh8vq7 wrote

Cool visualization. Awful execution. I think it’s be more useful if a full circle was 100% and if the percentages were in a table in the corner of the image. Also some lines that mark roughly every 10% would be nice.


Premise_Data OP t1_jderurw wrote

Contributors in 135 countries around the world work with Premise to share their opinion and collect field data on a variety of topics using its smart-phone app.
These data were collected between March 17-21 from 1,978 respondents in the US. Premise used stratified sampling of its opt-in panel members, along with post stratification weighting on age, gender, region, and education to construct a representative sample.
Tool: R (ggplot2 & gganimate)
Source: Premise internal survey data


Key_Strategy_8526 t1_jdeztqs wrote

You went through that much trouble to present the information in an entirely incoherent manner and you were proud enough to stick your company logo on it.


Is the information your presenting suggesting that 42% of people with less than 15K are "very concerned" about bank stability and as the wealth level increase people become less concerned?

What's this shit about a 50% upper limit? That's not how pie charts or circles in general work. IDK, y'all really shit the bed on this graph.