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SasquatchTamales t1_jdcuomh wrote

I get that; but ninety-nine percent is news sensationalism. Coastal and inland regions have been saturated for three months and a heightened snowpack means replenishment in ground water through spring. Some areas in the valley may still be in drought conditions but to say that ninety-nine percent (even from January's figures) is a lie.


_owlstoathens_ t1_jdcv7y5 wrote

I mean sure, the idea that it’s ninety nine percent on the dot seems a bit suspicious - it’s prob just a number being used to sound like ‘a lot’.

The last article I read on this topic about a month ago soar california has something like 60% of its expected water use met for this year.. which I’m guessing is what they’re trying to express, that despite all the rain it’s still not adequate for the states water use needs.


SasquatchTamales t1_jdcw55v wrote

All I've said is ninety-percent is bullshit, and to say that they meant by ninety-nine percent is "a lot" is hilarious. Ninety-nine percent is the whole pie, subtracting a meager one percent is insignificant by anyone's standards.


_owlstoathens_ t1_jdd70s4 wrote

Yeah I’m not certain why they’d say ninety nine percent - What I meant is that perhaps they’re just using it as an expression rather than scientific data.

The most recent I’ve seen show that something like seventy three percent is still in drought - these are most likely areas with poor perk rates and infiltration/water management.