kingofwale t1_jdho2w6 wrote
I also buy more stuff from my local store I can walk to, than a store I have to take a bus to…
Same logic.
rtakehara t1_jdhr61m wrote
yeah, I was like, Mexico trades with a neighboring state that shares it's biggest border than the one on the other side of the planet? shocking!
StanielBlorch t1_jdifmcz wrote
Must be because of that 'NAFTA superhighway' all the regular suspects were shitting their pants about way way back in 2007.
Pr1ebe t1_jdhwo2c wrote
Yeah, not really getting what the title is supposed to be telling us that we can't clearly see lol. It looks like Mexico trades with Texas more than anything else graphed
PB4UGAME t1_jdjs1kg wrote
Perhaps the title it trying to highlight that a single state of one country accounts for more trade than an entire continent and a multitude of countries that when combined still only make up Mexico second biggest trade partner?
They could have done the US in its entirety, but then it would be nearly ~$800b and would dwarf every other trade partner; or they could have compared it to all of North America, which isn’t that much different from just using all of the US—but when you look at just Texas, its still the single largest trade partner, ahead of the entire continent of Asia, but its a bit closer and more comparable while still highlighting the extreme difference in trade volume.
[deleted] t1_jdlgtuj wrote
Tofubees t1_jdi6miy wrote
I wonder if Texas trades more with Asia or Mexico?
drew8311 t1_jdk58zz wrote
There is a shortcut through the Panama canal though
Otherwise_Toe_4145 t1_jdjrgk0 wrote
That's not exactly right. Maybe the store on the other side of the world is cheaper / has more goods. Case and point: Brazil biggest trade partners are China and the US and not its neighbors (although to be fair, Argentina comes 3rd)
llamapanther t1_jdjyivo wrote
Yup this post is stupid af
SerialPhilanderer t1_jdkyczd wrote
Right - the main take away is how much trade comes from Asia despite the Pacific Ocean being in the way.
Makes you wonder how much more business the US and Mexico could be doing if it weren't for the political barriers.
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