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Jackdaw99 t1_jc8rj7j wrote

How can it be so bad at calculus? It's a computer, for God's sake.


Empty_Insight t1_jc8xajq wrote

It's an algorithm trained to mimic human output from a prompt. It's only as good as what it was trained on, and people in general suck at hard science and advanced math.

Take, for example, how people 'tricked' ChatGPT into telling them how to make meth. It actually would give them different answers based on how they asked the question, and just in the off-chance that isn't obvious, is not how chemistry works. Also I never saw it give an answer that was actually 'right' in terms of organic chemistry, either for pure pharmaceutical grade methamphetamine (aka Desoxyn) or street meth. It sure seemed right if you didn't understand the actual chemistry. It seemed convincing, even though it was wrong- same thing with calculus, I'm guessing.

Friendly reminder Wolfram Alpha exists if someone is having trouble with calculus. It not only solves the problem, but it shows you how it solved it step-by-step so it's a good study tool too.


Denziloe t1_jc9v9p2 wrote

>It's an algorithm trained to mimic human output from a prompt.

This is an over-simplification, the whole deal with ChatGPT and GPT-4 is that they weren't just trained on huge quantities of unlabelled human text, they were also specifically trained to be "aligned" to desirable properties like truth-telling.


Jackdaw99 t1_jc9244f wrote

But surely it must rate the sources it uses. Besides it seems to be very good at SAT math, which is obviuously easier, but would rely on the same mimicry.


thedabking123 t1_jc93iop wrote

that's not the way that the system works.

You're using symbolic logic, its thinking is more like an intuition- a vastly more accurate intuition than ours, but limited nonetheless.

And the kicker? Its intuition of what words, characters etc. you are expecting to see. It doesn't really logic things out, it doesn't hold concepts of objects, numbers, mathematical operators etc.

It intuits an answer having seen a billion similar equations in the past and guesses at what characters on the keyboard you're expecting to see based on pattern matching.


Jackdaw99 t1_jcawuaf wrote

I can tell your reply wasn't written by GPT. The possessive "its" doesn't take an apostrophe....



thedabking123 t1_jcbbado wrote

lol- it may make the same mistake if enough people on the internet make the mistake... OpenAI uses all web data to train the machine.


Empty_Insight t1_jc94vo9 wrote

Even if the source is 'right,' it might not pick up the context necessary to answer the question appropriately. I would consider the fact that different prompts resulted in different answers to what is effectively the same question might support that idea.

Maybe ChatGPT could actually give someone the answer of how to make meth correctly if given the right prompt, but in order to even know how to phrase it you'd need to know quite a bit of chemistry- and at that point, you could just as easily figure it out yourself with a pen and paper. That has the added upside of the DEA not kicking in your door for "just asking questions" too.

As far as calculus goes, I can imagine some of the inputs might be confusing to an AI that is not specifically trained for them since the minutiae of formatting is essential. There might be something inherent to calculus that the AI has difficulty understanding, or it might just be user error too. It's hard to say.

Edit: the other guy who responded's explanation is more correct, listen to them. My background in CS is woefully lacking, but their answer seems right based on my limited understanding of how this AI works.


Hypo_Mix t1_jc9nc9u wrote

Its a language model, not a calculator. Its like trying to solve calculus by reading a calculus professors biography.


Jackdaw99 t1_jcaxztr wrote

I would imagine the language model spihons questions off into a calculator. It would be pretty easy, considering the infinite nature of integers, to give it a simple arithmetic problem that has never been written down or even devised before. Say, "What's 356.639565777 divided by 1.6873408216337?" I would be very surprised if it didn't get this sort of thing right.

Follow-up: I just tried that calculation on ChatGPT and it got it...wrong. Twice. With different answers each time. Though it was close...

That's bizarre to me, since it couldn't have used a language model to calculate that, and in fact it explicitly told me it was sending the calculation to Python. So I don't know what's going on here.


torchma t1_jcbubdj wrote

I don't get your comment. You know it's a language model and not a calculator and yet are surprised that it got a calculation wrong? And no, it doesn't send anything to anything else. It's a language model. It's just predicting that the sequence of words "I'm sending this calculation to python" is the most likely sequence of words that should follow.


Jackdaw99 t1_jccaord wrote

That doesn't make sense to me. It would be the easiest thing in the world to build a calculator into it, have it send questions which look like basic arithmetic in, and then spit out the answer. Hell, it could build access to Wolfram Alpha in. Then it wouldn't make basic mistakes and would much more impressive. And after all, that's what a person would do.

Moreover, if it doesn't have the ability to calculate at all, how did it get so close to the answer when I fed it a problem which, I'm pretty sure, no one has ever tried to solve before?

And finally, how did it do so well on the math SATs if it was just guessing at what people would expect the next digit to be?

I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just baffled by why they wouldn't implement that kind of functionality. Because as it stands, no one is ever going to use it for anything that requires even basic math skills. "ChatGPT, how many bottles of wine should I buy for a party with 172 attendees?" I'm not going to shop based on its answer.

Maybe this iteration is just further Proof of Concept, but if so, all it proves is that concept is useless for many applications.


torchma t1_jccg5ej wrote

Because basic calculation is already a solved problem. OpenAI is concerned with pushing the frontiers of AI, not with trivial integration of current systems. No one is going to use GPT for basic calculation anyways. People already have ubiquitous access to basic calculators. It's not part of GPT's core competency, so why waste time on it? What is part of GPT's core competency is an advanced ability to process language.

That's not to say that they are necessarily ignoring the math problem. But the approach you are suggesting is not an AI-based approach. You are suggesting a programmatic approach (i.e. "if this, then do this..."). If they were only concerned with turning ChatGPT into a basic calculator, that might work. But that's a dead-end. If OpenAI is addressing the math problem, they would be taking an AI approach to it (developing a model that learns math on its own). That's a much harder problem, but one with much greater returns from solving it.


Jackdaw99 t1_jcclxlr wrote

If they're going to release it and people are going to use it (whatever the warnings may be), I don't think it's trivial at all. Basic math factors into a significant percentage of the conversations we have. And it's certainly not trivial to be able to tell when a question needs it.

I'm not calling for it to be turned into a basic calculator: I'm asking why they don't recognize that a portion of the answers they provide will be useless without being able to solve simple math problems.

They could certainly build in a calculator now and continue to explore ways for it to learn math on its own. I just don't understand why you would release a project that gets so much wrong that could easily be made right. (And nothing I've read on it, which is a non-trivial amount, mentions that it can't (always) calculate basic arithmetic.) If I can't count on the thing to know for sure the answer to a basic division problem, I can't count on it at all -- at which point, there's no reason to use it.


torchma t1_jccsuru wrote

>I'm asking why they don't recognize that a portion of the answers they provide will be useless without being able to solve simple math problems.

?? They absolutely recognize that it's not good at math. It's not meant to be good at math. If you're still using it for math despite being told it's not good for math and despite the obvious results showing it's not good at math, then that's your problem, not theirs. That it's not good at math hardly negates its core competencies, which are remarkable and highly valuable.

>They could certainly build in a calculator now

What? That would be absolutely pointless. They might as well just tell you to use your own calculator. In fact, that's what Bing Chat would tell people if you asked it to do a math problem back before they neutered it.


a-ha_partridge t1_jc9omrp wrote

If it’s anything like me it is still trying to learn LaTex syntax.


HW90 t1_jc9h9hu wrote

More specifically, how can it be so good at SAT Math but not AP Calculus?


Facewithmace t1_jc9tzff wrote

SAT math is mostly just Algebra 1 with a few basic geometry and prob & stats questions thrown in.