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akohhh t1_je494fd wrote

I think I’d pull the BB10 and BB11 bars apart—with the way they’re nestled, the colours, and the key having that vertical line, it took me a minute to figure out that it was overlaid sets of 15 days.

It is a bleak picture once it all clicks, though!


FlippantBuoyancy OP t1_je5ceh7 wrote

My bad. It was much more obvious on my computer. Now that I'm on a cell, it's apparent that the hashing on the BBCAN11 bars is rather hard to see.


AntoniaFauci t1_je5ttzj wrote

Yes the dither/crosshatch is quite hard to make out.

I would have suggested one season’s data elements all be shades of a colour, and the other season’s constituents be shades of a different colour. Like s10 all shades of rose, pink, red. And s11 be aquamarine, teal, blue, etc.