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killrdave t1_jcagxg6 wrote

I also thought it was kinda meh but the low audience score is due to brigading.


xxthundergodxx77 t1_jcazsd4 wrote

I actively hated that movie. Brie Larson is insufferable + the movie was just really bland

Don't know how I get downvoted for having an opinion... I thought the movie fucking sucks lmao


R_V_Z t1_jcbe70n wrote

But bland is still better than actively bad.


xxthundergodxx77 t1_jccnayj wrote

Disagree. Actively bad is more entertaining a lot of the the time


Jazzlike-Emu-9235 t1_jcdfhnj wrote

Agree. The other way is just sad to me. At least I can laugh at how bad a movie is


AsemicConjecture t1_jcbuabg wrote

Batman v Superman still had a storyline, (not a good one, mind) and develops it’s characters; Captain Marvel didn’t do either of those things and felt like it instead prioritised women empowerment at every plot point (ie. Captain Marvel would never lose a fight or have to reflect on her actions). In that sense, I’d argue that both were actively bad, though I still think Captain Marvel was harder to watch.


finfan96 t1_jcc11hh wrote

Captain Marvel had a storyline, wtf are you talking about?


AsemicConjecture t1_jcc5n34 wrote

Sure it did. It started; stuff happened; about midway through, most people in the audience realised it wasn’t getting any better; then it ended. Now, if that’s not compelling story telling, then I don’t know what is.


finfan96 t1_jcc6pzv wrote

Well, you're entitled to your opinion I guess


BelovedOmegaMan t1_jceg54y wrote

You denied it had a storyline and then literally contradicted yourself an hour later. What does that say about you?


AsemicConjecture t1_jceg9o3 wrote

It was sarcasm…


BelovedOmegaMan t1_jceh3kf wrote

shouldn't sarcasm have a point other than making the author appear ignorant? In the classical sense, at least. It's difficult to gauge what your intent was, because normally the author doesn't demean themselves, purposefully.


AsemicConjecture t1_jcehdsh wrote

Not exactly sure what your deal is, but we're just talking about a bunch of overrated movies. You don't need to take your aggressions out on me.


xxthundergodxx77 t1_jccn8hz wrote

Agreed. And outside of the movie, brie Larson adds to that. Batman v Superman was like if they sat for hours and thought of the one way to possibly prolong the movie to a movie instead of a short. Also a hard watch I agree


BelovedOmegaMan t1_jceg03n wrote

Your opinion is not fact. Looking at your post history, you struggle with this. Often. It's difficult to tell where, exactly, in your life that you were convinced the importance of your personal beliefs over anyone else's or even actual fact, but someday you'll realize, painfully, that this isn't necessarily true. Hopefully you won't hurt someone else when it happens.


xxthundergodxx77 t1_jcewgq4 wrote

You sure do make a lot of assumptions from a couple reddit posts.

I never said my opinion is fact, and I didn't say my opinion was more important. However, I do have strong opinions, especially about garbage ass captain marvel.

I think you need to touch some grass instead of being a moron on Reddit


dabiggman t1_jccau9e wrote

Proof that if your opinion doesn't match with "THE MESSAGE" you will get downvoted into oblivion. Captain Marvel sucked and Brie Larson IS insufferable.


MrRoflmajog t1_jccbq5q wrote

Or proof that if you present your unpopular opinion as a fact you will get downvoted.


xxthundergodxx77 t1_jccnqrq wrote

If you can't rub together enough brain cells to deduce that me hating a movie is an opinion then I can't help you.

Now, downvoting an "unpopular"/unconforming view is what it is.


MrRoflmajog t1_jccyj88 wrote

If you said that you found her insufferable then I wouldn't have downvoted or commented. You said she is, which is more likely to get a strong reaction from people who disagree. If you can't figure out why people are downvoting when you are directly told I can't help you.


Corintio22 t1_jcd4tjq wrote

He may not figure it out. Sadly, a lot of people buy into the narrative that if they get downvoted it might be not because they were rude but because they dared to say a "hot take" and people "can't take it".

And I don't say this because I have stakes in defending Captain Marvel as a movie. I found Captain Marvel AND Batman v Superman to be both rather bad movies. It's not even a controversial take: a lot of people disliked both movies. Some people get very incel-ish about why they dislike Captain Marvel, and that's a big yikes. But that aside, the movie isn't (imho) a very good movie anyway.


makingthematrix t1_jccrmk2 wrote

Well, my opinion is that Captain Marvel was a good movie, and I like Brie. So now what? Do we schedule a fight on a parking lot somewhere or what?


Corintio22 t1_jcd3w5h wrote

Don't hate a movie.

When I was a kid my parents have this habit of mocking me (in a benign silly way) when I said I hated something. THey repeated it but making the word "hate" sound ominous.

"Oh, so you HATE this TV show?"

It goes to say that words matter. You disliked (or heavily disliked) the movie.

You hate a horrible person that's doing horrible things.

Hatred is such a strong visceral emotion.

You don't hate a silly thing.

And if you truly do, then you need to work on your emotions most likely, because it's bad for you that you let yourself feel pure real hatred towards a movie that was (according to your words) just bland.
