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Darkhallows27 t1_jcfblcz wrote

Damn, Arkansas really is a fucking shithole

First child labor and now this


xBigDamHerox t1_jcfcyai wrote

The map is slightly misleading. At first glance, you would assume blue states have a majority (over 50%) supporting gay marriage, red states have a majority opposed. However, the lightest shade of blue is 40-49% support.

While I personally support gay marriage, I think this actually hurts the cause. It appears to under-report the opposition to gay marriage and how much work still remains.


2012Aceman t1_jcfdr34 wrote

It is a shame that in spite of such overwhelming support for gay marriage, we didn't have the courage to put it in as a Constitutional Amendment (despite there being several successfully passed Constitutional bans in many states, including California).


Ronil_wazilib OP t1_jcfeg6d wrote

yes it is but as I said a decade later a lotta old ppl will die and with better education the number would go up automatically . The lowest any major city gets is 68% at Dallas with NYC and others touching 91% already


LuckyandBrownie t1_jcfg88q wrote

I feel like this needs to be overlaid with the pornhub map of gay porn preferences.


casgds t1_jcfgqza wrote

Can we just get over it please. Being attracted to the same sex for some has been going on since the dawn of time. We're suppose to be the one with the brains, and yet we haven't figured that out yet? That tells me one of two things. We're either really stupid, or really selfish.


tomsaiyuk t1_jcfih8h wrote

Why can't they use different colors? They have 5 blues listed but looks like only 4 were used. Different colors makes it 100 Badrillion times easier to read.


KevinDean4599 t1_jcfnard wrote

I could give a crap about standing at an alter with matching suits. I just want the same protections and rights afforded by the government that heterosexual couples have. Call it whatever you want if that’s the stumbling block for the Christian right.


chocobloo t1_jcfoq15 wrote

Gullible, really.

It's a political hit job pushed heavily in the 70s to give power to groups like the Birch Society.

It's easier to manipulate people if you can give them something in common to hate.


BidWestern1056 t1_jcjyhbq wrote

i think it is easy to think about this in hindsight but the feasibility of a same-sex partnership was low because of the extant economic need to produce children to have help with family business/farming etc. it is only with economic security and social welfare that such partnerships become more feasible and thereby as prevalent as they are today. when the primary purpose of a relationship is partnership/pairwise fulfillment and not producing children to maintain/advance one's economic status, there are more options available.