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Fluorescent_Tip t1_jcfkno8 wrote

The prevailing genetic evidence suggests natural. Timing suggests natural. You can’t just cherry pick your evidence.

4 intel agencies believe natural with low confidence. 2 intel agencies believe lab leak with low and moderate confidence.

You and me? We have zero confidence.


Sad-Efficiency-7492 t1_jcjssfd wrote

You’re citing intel agencies? They may be the most untrustworthy institutions on earth.


Fluorescent_Tip t1_jckzbfy wrote

What the hell other source is there? Let me get this straight, you only trust what confirms your own biases? Good grief - get a grip.


SafeExpress3210 t1_jcflpbi wrote

That ‘evidence’ is shoddy and outdated.

Besides, the government only just yesterday signed the declassification of origin information so we will have see for more.


SafeExpress3210 t1_jcflztx wrote

And that means intel agencies have more confidence in the lab leak so..


Fluorescent_Tip t1_jcfmczw wrote

No, that’s not how that works. But if you really want to do it the wrong way, it’s still +1 for natural.


SafeExpress3210 t1_jcfmn19 wrote

  • low confidence in natural
  • low to moderate confidence in lab leak
  • ‘low to moderate’ > ‘low’

Fluorescent_Tip t1_jcfnhuk wrote


4 agencies claim low for natural. 1 agency claims low for lab leak, 1 moderate.

4 > 2


SafeExpress3210 t1_jcfonqu wrote

So all confidence for natural is low and half confidence for lab leak is moderate


SafeExpress3210 t1_jcfpymu wrote

So the theory with the most confidence was that it was a lab leak.

Then it comes down to which sources of evidence the intel committees give the most weight to. The most relevant sources of evidence imho really point in one direction but if you choose to follow the evidence given by sellouts then that is your prerogative.