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defr0std t1_jck5hjt wrote

Belgium has more clubs than Spain or Germany. The times we live in...


Ok_Elk_4333 t1_jck66y3 wrote

Can’t really comment on that when it’s the conference league


Lachimanus t1_jclwn91 wrote

Well, it is a bit like a gold vs. silver medal comparison.

A spot in the champions league is plain better than X spots in Europe league.


Five_Fingered_Sloth t1_jco6rki wrote

Very much depends. For raw prize money a spot in the Champion’s League is best, but the UEFA Coefficient -which is used to decide how many teams each country can send to each of the three leagues- doesn’t differentiate the leagues. You gain as many points for a win in the CL as you would for a win in the ECL.