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DeliaElijahy OP t1_jdz4l05 wrote

I created this to get some data for a fun project I'm working on. The reason the left and right sides have a bit more yellow than top and bottom is because of the aspect ratio; the boundary is longer on the X axis than the Y axis.

This was done in Python using Pygame. It wasn't actually a lot of code; only 55 lines total (without empty lines).

I didn't include the numerical data for simplicity and presentation sake.

Edit: You can also just about see a faint outline (like a diagonal chequerboard pattern) of crossing lines... pretty interesting, honestly.


Same_Ad_1273 t1_jdzh5f8 wrote

i thought this was blurred due to it being nsfw 🤦


Funkymeleon t1_jdzp41q wrote

The only question I have: How many perfect corner hits?


BroseppeVerdi t1_jdzq902 wrote

Pam claims she saw it once when she was alone in the conference room.

I believe she thinks she saw it...


marhide t1_je051gw wrote

Looks like a cheap Rothko.


DktrMitch t1_je06qig wrote

Can you make the scale logarithmic? Then it would be easier to see the higher density areas.


Visco0825 t1_je0f4el wrote

Yea, I wouldn’t call this beautiful. The scale needs to be heavily adjusted. You can see slight paths of higher traffic in the center but it’s all lost because the scaling isn’t right.

Maybe OP should try exponential heat map?


wallybuddabingbang t1_je0vug5 wrote

I’m an artist, okay? It must mean something.

Maybe it doesn’t. Maybe you’re just supposed to experience it. ˜Cause when you look at it, you do feel something, right? It’s like looking into something very deep. You could fall in.


corrado33 t1_je1e6q3 wrote

This looks like one of those "you can't look at this image correctly" images. Like the ones that always look like they're moving?

Yeah, this one is weird. If I look straight at it, I can't see the dark red lattice pattern, but if I look away I can see it.


Admirable_Ad_3325 t1_je1zwd3 wrote

Hmm yes it seems the logo only ever seems to bounce when it reaches an edge. Yes very interesting


sienihemmo t1_je2g8xj wrote

It's not really suprising that it's so even. The animation was originally designed to avoid burning any specific area of the screen, in case someone forgets the TV on for a long time.


Cumslide t1_je2iwa3 wrote

I can only see the grid if I don't look directly at it