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greensandgrains t1_jdwz88k wrote

My god. Having the same conversation five times in a row? That sounds brutal.


rabbiskittles t1_jdx1iqz wrote

It isn’t that bad, there was some overlap but each one had a specific topic as well. One interviewer focused on my stats knowledge, one on my epidemiology, one on the more soft skills / personality fit, etc.

Having been hired and now sat on the other side of multiple similar interviews, it’s in large part to make sure the candidate gets good face time with most of the team members they will be working with.

Now, the one that did piss me off was the employer I interviewed at right before landing my current job. I went through the first 30 minute manager screen, then the second round “full circuit” including a 1 hr presentation by me (4-5 hours total over 1-2 days), AND THEY GHOSTED ME. I even sent an email to two different interviewers in the following weeks, the first one asking for any update, and the second one just asking for feedback on how I might improve (since I clearly did not impress them). No response. Fuck you, NanoString.


Knyfe-Wrench t1_jdzvl4g wrote

I'd much rather do that than drive back there five times to have the same conversation.