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nn4260029 t1_jdz3eld wrote

I work in tech in The Netherlands. Hiring is usually a first interview with the manager to assess your personality and team fit, and then an interview with some people in the team who have your future role to assess job skills.

Is anyone in your team really better of because you asked the new hire to market a fridge to Inuit or to sort an array of JSON objects without using a parser?

To me it sounds a bit like a ritual hazing dance, sort of a “job hunting performance art”.


aristidedn t1_jdzd2wd wrote

I'm not involved in hiring decisions or in measuring hiring success, so I can't produce data showing that the process produces better teams.

What I can say, however, is that this is an incredibly expensive process for tech companies. If they are engaging in this process, it's because they have data indicating that it produces better results and that it's worth the investment.