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rabbiskittles t1_jcpuixd wrote

In case anyone is taking this seriously, this is a 1-dimensional visualization, so there isn’t a y-axis unit. The dataset is “bank failures”, and each data point has 1 quantity associated with it: the year. You put a dot for each data point, and then you dodge/jitter them up and down so you can see how many there are without them overlapping. It’s kind of like a discretized violin plot, I generally hear this called a “beeswarm” plot. There’s nothing to label on the y-axis.


kompootor t1_jcq7v83 wrote

>There’s nothing to label on the y-axis.

Except for exactly what you just described. Just because there is no dimension does not mean you do not label it. "N" is dimensionless in the y-axis of a histogram, but it is always labeled as "Number of X binned by Y".

Oh look, that's exactly the same kind of chart as OP's!