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doggotaco t1_jczmtab wrote

In thinking the reason for the 2021 season being so high is due to many players at lower seeded schools opting to stay for an additional season after missing the cancelled 2020 NCAA tournament due to covid 19, therefore bringing more experience and improving the talent level. As those "covid-year" players move on and finish their eligibility, the trend returns to more normal. Really interesting


doggotaco t1_jczmwx6 wrote

Or it could just be random. I have no way to prove this theory lol.


Purple_Matress27 t1_jd0wqnq wrote

that was my theory too watching college football in 2021 with so many upsets. The top teams still had their regular NFL attrition but the small teams retained all the 5th year guys they would’ve lost. Gap closed


FantasticBarnacle241 t1_jd2qye6 wrote

Not to mention, all the games were played in one place, meaning that the advantage of being a good seed and often getting to play closer to home were minimized. Same with bringing big crowds. I can't remember if there were fans but I'd image fan base was minimized.