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AcidicWatercolor t1_jczrvmr wrote

This visualization is very satisfying. Well done!


SpicyTang0 t1_jd08ltr wrote

Toronto slowly fading until almost nothing lmao


dickpickdan t1_jd0198e wrote

So is Toronto more likely to earn the second seed but regardless of their seed, TB is favored to win the series?


Navi_Here t1_jd051bh wrote

For those who know hockey, the only thing that Toronto is favored for, is losing in the first round.


dickpickdan t1_jd0czgd wrote

Grew up in Buffalo but stopped following when I moved away (also as the Sabres got worse and worse). But the leafs losing in the playoffs is a tale as old as I can remember


mbmccurdy OP t1_jczl39x wrote

Source data: the NHL's public statistics, laundered through my simulations for the remainder of the regular season and the playoffs.


The-peoples-elbows t1_jczrn5j wrote

Hey man can you do one of these for the rugby World Cup this year? The visualization is great.


mbmccurdy OP t1_jczsgb1 wrote

Maybe, actually - does anybody publish head-to-head probabilities for games? Making a model for a sport I don't know anything about is obviously past me but the viz can be adapted, maybe.


advizzo t1_jd0eneg wrote

Unique chart! Great work! Really interesting layout


mbmccurdy OP t1_jd0ml4q wrote

Thanks! I already had a version of this that looked like a regular bracket but then I saw this blog post:


advizzo t1_jd1bmuq wrote

could you share what the regular bracket looked like? I'm trying to create a viz to capture playoff leverage (how much does winning / losing the next game affect playoff chances)


mbmccurdy OP t1_jd2l4mh wrote


There's the old bracket version, and my playoff implications viz.


[deleted] t1_jd23h3j wrote



mbmccurdy OP t1_jd2kn9y wrote

It's displayed as 100% only because the true probability is closer to 100% than it is to 99%, and I didn't want to quote a finer precision. If they were guaranteed of the spot I would have removed the number completely.


mdvarn84 t1_jd2iwc9 wrote

What is this type of chart called? I’ve seen many different visuals for data that I’ve never seen before in this subreddit. Leafs fan too by the way…the struggle is real.


mbmccurdy OP t1_jd2ko9j wrote

I think you would just call this a sankey


khaleeesi69 t1_jd2k1y4 wrote

I do love watching hockey live but don’t follow. But THIS VISUAL. I’m wanting to get into data visualization, how did you make this one?


mbmccurdy OP t1_jd2lah7 wrote


I'd already made the bracket viz here but then I saw this blog post about sankeys with circle segments:

so I just used svgwrite to put down the circle segments in the right places. It's all svg rectangles and path elements.


JanitorKarl t1_jczmpti wrote

Aren't the chances of getting into the playoffs something like 75%, Like 3/4th of the teams are in the playoffs. Like the games of the regular season hardly mean squat.


stouf761 t1_jczq2w3 wrote

Half. 32 teams, two conferences, two x two = four divisions.
Top three teams from each division go, next best two per conference (wild cards) go.
The #1 in conference faces wild card #2, #1 in division that isn’t #1 in conference faces wild card #1, division #2 faces same division #3.
Games are best of seven, higher seed gets home ice in games 1, 2, 5, and 7.
Regular season does mean a lot.


bbtrinet t1_jd01m6y wrote

20 years ago it used to be that way, now it's 50%. 16 out of 32 teams make it.