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bladexp210 OP t1_jd0m1zm wrote

I used R (ggplot2 and gganimate) to make this one using data from the OCED from 2005 to 2021.

I'm really proud of what I have learned so far and will be happy to hear your thoughts and your tips.


KaKi_87 t1_jd0mi98 wrote

Honestly, don't animate, please.


JPAnalyst t1_jd0ncxk wrote

Nice work! Now buckle up and get ready for all the people you offend by animating. Reddit has a boner for yelling at people who animate. Still great work though, keep it up!


VikThorior t1_jd0oz5k wrote

It's just that... what is the point? It's not like it's an original way of animating things. I get that it's more work than not animating, and for that, congrats. But sometimes it's not worth spending time on something that doesn't bring anything.

The static plot would give as much information, but we wouldn't have to wait for the end and pause to actually read the whole plot.

If you want to represent something in 4 of 5 dimensions, I get that animation can be useful, but for 2 dimensions, it's always a waste of time for the reader.

But people are free to do it. Just like we are free to inform these people that it adds nothing.


bladexp210 OP t1_jd0pz6b wrote

So, about the animation, I agree that it's not the best answer, it was just the easiest to do before I try my hand at something more substantial.


JPAnalyst t1_jd0qjjq wrote

>But sometimes it's not worth spending time on something that doesn't bring anything.

That’s not your call, that’s OPs call. If OP thinks it’s fun and looks cool and they enjoy it, then it brings something.

>The static plot would give as much information, but we wouldn't have to wait for the end and pause to actually read the whole plot.

Agreed. But that’s not my point.

>But people are free to do it. Just like we are free to inform these people that it adds nothing.

Never said you aren’t free. I just find it amusing how everyone gets their feathers ruffled and feels the need to tell EVERY OP about it EVERY time. I’m free to make that comment. Now let’s watch the thread get flooded with comments just like yours.


csb06 t1_jd15nns wrote

Crazy how fast the imports rose in such a short period!

I think it would be more useful to see it as a line graph than a bar graph since it shows trends over time. Also having it freeze for a bit at the end would make it easier to read.


StickSauce t1_jd17fk2 wrote

I told Art Vandelay to keep the import and export business equal.


adamr_ t1_jd1zzz6 wrote

Cool, but should just be a static image, not a video. Good luck on the animation journey! (Not trying to be a spoilsport)


dudhw t1_jd2l4z5 wrote

So read this as “Esports” and bsports


dmomo t1_jd3894h wrote

Great work with the animation. But if it doesn't add any information, it should be left out. Unless of course it fits into some larger presentation that has a certain style.


LanchestersLaw t1_jd42gi0 wrote

I love it! Im not a buzzkill, the animation looks great and communicates change over time


Roquet_ t1_jd7sa0k wrote

You should post it as a video instead of a gif, so everyone is able to pause and see the end result in full. A nice animation tho.