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jtsg_ OP t1_jd50a95 wrote

When we think of internet search, we think of Google. And for a good reason.

Acc. to StatCounter, almost 93% of all search queries across platforms (e.g. desktop, mobile, console) is through Google.

As seen in the chart above, Microsoft Bing’s market share is a measly 3% and hasn’t really moved much in the last 10 years.

However, Search Advertising is a very lucrative business. A small market share point can mean a lot in revenue.

In spite of being a “forgotten” name in Search, Bing still generated est. $11.7 billion of revenue in 2022.

This is larger than entire social media companies like Twitter and Snapchat and very similar to the fast growing TikTok. Remember - these social media companies have hundreds of millions of engaged users who log in every day.

For more details and to see other charts and stories like this, you may check out my newsletter



Tools: Google slides and Vizzlo

Source: Statcounter, company reports, businessofapps


Sonytix t1_jd54bks wrote

Maybe i’m dumb (this is a big probability) but i don’t understand; Where is google ? And Bing ? And the blue dot is « other » ?

Btw nice try 👍


no1name t1_jd567eo wrote

and .... that chart is blown out of the water,



>As of February 2023, a whopping 93.37% of all search queries conducted across all search engine providers are done through the internet giant. In other words, more than nine out of ten internet users who search for information online do so through Google.

By comparison, its closest rival, Microsoft’s Bing, is only managing a fraction of Google’s volume. Bing currently has a market share of 2.81%.


user_is_name t1_jd56uvs wrote

Damn, your reply was so humble , it makes me feel bad for calling you dumb. That's not how internet works, you are meant to say something mean in return which makes me slightly angry through the night.


rcoff98 t1_jd5738u wrote

You’re not dumb, the labeling and the use of grey for Google’s area can be confusing at first. Google is the entire area below ~90%, Bing is the blue bar, and “other” is everything above blue.


DoeCommaJohn t1_jd57squ wrote

As others have pointed out, Google takes up most of the back graph. I do agree that grey probably wasn’t the best color for this, and it is confusing to compare search engines in the background and social media in the foreground


BiBoFieTo t1_jd57wop wrote

I mean Bing is good at one thing...


ultrachad420 t1_jd5eb7z wrote

Bing is the next Google, wait a few months and see


timpdx t1_jd5lnji wrote

A forgotten business? They are pouring a huge effort into it, with ChatGPT and turning it into a leader in the AI space. Hardly forgotten.


LEAKKsdad t1_jd5ryft wrote

Looking like a chart from W95 🎨


Goldenbird666 t1_jd5zezk wrote

Bing is doing remarkably well considering the competition. As for TikTok, I honestly expected better figures given the hype, number of users (about 1.5B) and how sensational it has been for sometime. I’m sure Bytedance is not profitable. They need to make a whole lot more to be able to pay creators well, buy and pay for music royalties etc. and still have money left for operations and shareholders.


ryoma-gerald t1_jd60lwe wrote

Question after seeing the graph: How much is Google raking in?


soldforaspaceship t1_jd68six wrote

I don't know if people are aware but Google is blocked in China. Bing is not. I lived there for more than a decade and only used Bing while there. I suspect most of Bing's revenue comes from China.


denM_chickN t1_jd69hqc wrote

The x axis is basically useless here since the changes are nominal. Consider another relationship to tell your story.


arothmanmusic t1_jd6k013 wrote

My B2B ads do better on Bing than Google. Now if they could only get rid of Yahoo…


Richieva64 t1_jd6k19b wrote

Bing is going to start being a real threat with it's ChatGPT integration if Google doesn't release something similar this year


mvw2 t1_jd6nhz7 wrote

Considering how bananas Google is with sponsored spots and prioritizing retailer sites above everything else, Bing is stumbling into a gold mine in the coming years. At the moment, Google is becoming borderline unusable for random searches. The pay to win business model is showing through, and it's turning the tool into garbage. Bing is going to start gaining a whole lot of market share soon.


Inconmon t1_jd6yw4f wrote

A joke in the industry is that the best job is being in sales for Bing. You rock up to the advertisers or agency office and go "You got x millions to spend on Search and can't put it all efficiently into Google and you can't spend it anywhere else. Thanks for the money, see you next year."


Schmusebaer91 t1_jd710tx wrote

thats bc only stupid ppl use bing because they dunno how to change standard settings etc. stupid ppl will also click more ads.


Exotic-Today3865 t1_jd71j0s wrote

I am using it a lot now. Even switched my browser to edge dev to have the chat integrated in the browser itself. It’s honestly very useful for a lot of the tasks I am doing and more than just a search engine. I can see the share change significantly by the end of the year if this keeps going


biebergotswag t1_jd73r3p wrote

baidu is famous for being absolutely useless, you can search for dingtalk on baidu, and the first link may be a virus.

Baidu's absolute uselessness is what allowed the APP market and wechat miniapps to bloom.


Medcait t1_jd74q9i wrote

The only people who even click on Bing are just using it to try to get to something else. Or their work requires it.


shableep t1_jd797co wrote

Let’s be honest. This subreddit is really r/dataisinteresting


bigboi_mike t1_jd799ne wrote

Bing rewards u with voucher cards and is slightly less biased/woke. Anyone using Google search in 2023 is an NPC. Even private search engines are better.


Lucian_98 t1_jd7c3xh wrote

how much does Google make per year ?


Tshoe77 t1_jd7epjb wrote

Yea bing chat is actually really cool. It's nice to ask it questions about complex issues like bailing out credit suisse. It actually gives a nuanced take about the pros and cons of the situation.


HinduHamma t1_jd7ibxa wrote

This graph is not beautiful. Try again.


firemage22 t1_jd7le4k wrote

I use Bing to search for Google which I then use to search for Firefox when setting up a new computer.

Then I never use Bing or edge again.


leksal t1_jd7msy1 wrote

Now imagine how much Google is making just from the search engine


Whornz4 t1_jd7q7e2 wrote

And Twitter dropped off this list real quick


Beepboopbob1 t1_jd7wtti wrote

The data might be beautiful but this format is hideous.


kellerlanplayer t1_jd7xfhb wrote

I use Ecosia to plant trees while searching and they use Bing.


biebergotswag t1_jd7z1z0 wrote

When you include the truly big alternatives such as alibaba(including amap), wechat search, toutiao, meituan, dianping ect baidu is not big at all.

Search engines are not that big in china. Baidu don't nearly have the monoply as google has in the west


notathrowawayacc32 t1_jd7z9oc wrote

It would be interesting to see the value per search too. I'd assume that older people who don't know how to download chrome might be more likely to click on ads etc.


gom99 t1_jd7zpql wrote

I think it was Sathya that said, Google makes more money off searches on Windows, than MS makes on those windows machines. When they were promoting their new chatgpt bing integration, they were talking about how even a few percentage points would be billions of dollars.


gom99 t1_jd80c0a wrote

I use it for things like asking when such and such is coming up. ie: When is X movie release date, when is this next fight, concert, etc.

While it's slow to wait for a response sometimes depending on the question and waiting for the typing, I'll usually just come back to it. The ability to refine that answer is the cherry on top.

It's not as good as chatgpt or copilot for technical questions, where it shines is when you're looking for an answer for current events since it's internet aware and search based. It's like having a secretary compile information from search results for you. It's useful in its own niche.


camelzigzag t1_jd84ms6 wrote

Why is a search engine being compared to small social media companies?


aminbae t1_jd85mea wrote

if bing hadnt banned or changed their porn search,they would have doubled their revenue by now


nietthesecond99 t1_jd89qgz wrote

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Google would be far less efficient with their market share. I'd bet that Google's search engine only profit per percentage of market share would be astronomically less than Bing's. But I could be just as wrong.


repeatrep t1_jd8bt6w wrote

an area graph of 3 colours somehow took me 30 seconds to figure out whats going on


hellwisp t1_jd8btla wrote

What the flip.. I gonna Bing that to fact check.


kirkbot t1_jd8fpg7 wrote

TIL some ppl seem to use tiktok as a search engine?


CanWeTalkHere t1_jd8gyfq wrote

In the U.S. it was. In China, we started with Windows Live search (there may have been an MSN Search earlier, in China, that was utilizing some 3rd party search of some sort. I don't recall exactly.).


RammyBoRammy t1_jd8p8o4 wrote

I use it for the reward points. After a year of searching or so, I usually have enough points to get a $50 XBOX gift card for my kids to use. If I can't find something using Bing, I'll switch to Google but I can usually find what I need using Bing.


polomarkopolo t1_jd8rc4b wrote

The only people I know who use Bing, use it exclusively to find pornography that Chrome doesn't let them find as easily


shapesize t1_jd8wnu4 wrote

No one feels the need to Ask Jeeves anymore


fanmanutd11 t1_jd8ymhh wrote

This data is not displayed beautifully at all


Sttocs t1_jd97fwh wrote

And every time I have a new computer or profile, I use Google for a few weeks to see what I’m missing. Go back to Bing/DuckDuckGo every time. Google search is completely worthless.


Previous_Start_2248 t1_jd986pr wrote

You can sign up for. Microsoft rewards and use Bing to search. After a while you can get some gift cards. Over 8 years I've been able to get at least $50 in gift cards for Amazon for just using Bing.


_stupidnerd_ t1_jd9o32w wrote

And yet still, I believe that 99.9% of their search requests are from people searching for Google.


That_One_Guy2945 t1_jd9r53g wrote

This graph is ugly and hard to understand. Truly terrible work. What is this sub even for?


Exotic-Today3865 t1_jdby2k8 wrote

They had search results link to a private hospital group (since it was paid ads). However the group is shady to say the least and would also charge absurd amounts of money and so on. China has huge trust issues towards both what the government and private enterprise says. Let’s just say foreign companies are trusted more than a lot of the local companies, no matter how hard the government and local conglomerates try.


Timid_Robot t1_jdc6f18 wrote

No, you're comment was that most of Bings revenue comes from China. That's not what the data says, that's not even what your experience says. Sure, some people (14%) use bing in china. That does not mean most of their revenue comes from China. Data says it's about 30%, more ore less equal to the revenue from the us. You're experience means jack shit...


soldforaspaceship t1_jdct7bi wrote

I said I suspect most of Bing's revenue comes from China. Given that they have 14% market share in China and 6% in the US, that wasn't a bad suspusion. Every analysis shows China uses Bing more than the US does. I'm not sure where you're looking but since the person posted the 14% thing I've not found anything to support your points.

I'm also not sure why this is your hill to die on. I'm speaking about my experience in China. If your experience there was difference fair enough.


Aggressive_Ris t1_jdgmnaf wrote

Im in the US an use Bing because of Microsoft Rewards. I just let my point build up and every 2-3 years redeem like $200 in Amazon gift codes.

If you set your desktop and mobile search engines to it then it's actually a nice little way to basically make free money (well, 'money' in gift cards they have or other stuff on the Microsoft store or their products...).

I highly reccommend it if you enjoy free stuff. The search engine itself is good too, I don't miss Google or any of its functionalities at all, it's basically the same in a different UI.


Aggressive_Ris t1_jdgmwaf wrote

Sign up for Microsoft Rewards and you'll feel smart... it's free money for using a search engine. I get about $200 in Amazon gift codes through it every 2-3 years after letting my points build up. Its a search engine that literally pays you to use it with no gimmicks or strings attached.