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indyk t1_ir4azgm wrote

The US is different, but I’d think that not by much. The same factors are at play. The thing is that we don’t have indulge in theoretical analysis.

We can simply look at how it works in other places in the world. I can surely agree that restaurant business in Europe is not an easy one. However it does work. The prices of restaurant meals are lower than in US even before that awkward tip thing that you tax your customers with. Are the raw products cheaper in Europe? I guess not.

I think you have taken the perspective of the restaurant owner. And yes, it’s better for him to be able to pay less for the work force.

However it’s worse for employees and it’s worse for customers. I’d rather go with that.


DestraD t1_ir5k554 wrote

A business has to turn a profit, first no profit no business no employees most people that do own restaurants are not wealthy, you have to consider all perspectives not just one.

Pretty sure europe is more expensive and has a much smaller population and not as much competition.

I can tell you atleast in Florida the employees would much rather have Tips then a standard $15 wage.