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thebestwall t1_ir7j3yd wrote

The heck is going on in Liechtenstein?!


NbdySpcl_00 t1_ira5dxc wrote

According to this:

I think that both these numbers are informed by the same 2013 census info. It seems like there isn't a lot of new data after that. Maybe the country tightened up on releasing records after that due to blowback? Maybe they realized their counting just isn't good and they stopped reporting bad info? Who knows, really.

But that 26% isn't just a population measure, it's straight up birth rate. Sheesh.

The most plausible reasons for such a stunning variance from the norm are:

  • data collection problems (let's all hope for this one -- Lichtenstein is not even 40,000 population, with a birth rate around kind of around 9-11% over the last several years. So.. like 400 babies a year, male/female would be 223/177 in actual numbers. The affect of statistical freaks and reporting error would hit the final number pretty hard)

  • artificial influences. That is, people are having their baby girls aborted more often that their boys. Again, with such a small population, even a few cases would have a big impact on the final numbers.