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Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_ir9wri9 wrote

Then you'd talk about total spending, not % of GDP.

If me and Bill Gates spend 2% of our earnings on something, we're not both spending the same amount of money.

What doesn't make sense about that?


MisterGreys t1_ir9xixc wrote

I was just talking about the spending for their corresponding years. Yes, their magnitudes are different but it's a response to each other's spending.


Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_ira0gzd wrote

Except even that isn't the same....

Most of China is under 2%, and all of India is over 2%

Some years one goes up and the other goes down.

It just looks the same because the graph is shitty and measuring something that doesn't even matter.


Dopple__ganger t1_ircpgnv wrote

A governmental budget is never going to be equal between two countries with unequal gdps. The point is, when china increases their spending, India does too. And visa versa.