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specialspartan_ t1_irewn6f wrote

Make America great again. Build the wall. Secure borders. It all means the same thing. That's why so many of these guys fly swastikas and confederate flags next to their bastardized American flags. Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity are two famous racists who are insanely popular with white lower-to-middle class blue collar workers with no college education because they constantly spew nonsense about immigration and the harm it causes white culture. Because, you know, the US is full of racist assholes.


857477459 t1_ireyiam wrote

People are against ILLEGAL immigration. Most people support legal immigration.


specialspartan_ t1_irezay5 wrote

A racist dogwhistle. Half of all "illegal" immigrants came here legally and very few of them commit any violent crime or theft. the only people ever accused of illegal immigration are Latino and it doesn't matter any more how they got here to the person screeching "ILLEGALS" than it does to the people welcoming them. People are people, end of story. The grossly inflated concern of illegal immigration is nonsense used to manipulate, you guessed it, racists.


earthhominid t1_irhwp6w wrote

///A racist dogwhistle. Half of all "illegal" immigrants came here legally...///



koebelin t1_irft5ek wrote

The quotas for legal immigration from our neighbors to the south are stupidly low considering they come here anyway. It should be a million a year from Mexico and at least 100,000 a year from each Central American country. Then you would have less illegal immigration.


857477459 t1_irftf71 wrote

Why should people get preferred treatment because they're physically closer? We should have a points system like most other 1st world countries.


Teddy_Icewater t1_irex4ys wrote

Touch the ground brother.


specialspartan_ t1_irexg8k wrote

You're incredibly naive or stupid if you think American conservatives aren't obviously racist, sexist and homophobic.


Teddy_Icewater t1_irexp5r wrote

I'm not taking your bait and I stand by my original comment. You're drinking the Koolaid just like the people who love Breitbart.


specialspartan_ t1_irey2v0 wrote

You mean the people who love breitbart, Newsmax, one America news, fox, Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and all the other bigots you're saying don't exist? I'd tell you to touch some grass but I don't have the patience for the semantic argument necessary to explain to you what grass is.


Teddy_Icewater t1_irez8z0 wrote

I'm just saying literally get outside and talk to some white people. Literally everyone you just mentioned, and everyone you personally watch, create their content for one purpose. To make you want to watch their content more. People on the street literally anywhere in the country aren't like Ben Shapiro. You don't have to take my word for it. Grow some balls and find out what white people in America are really like. Ask some white people how they feel about other races existing and catch the sound bytes while you're at it and then report back.


koebelin t1_irfuagl wrote

They preserve the world of the 1950s. Conservatives dislike change. They have a need for security, for definitions that don’t change, things they can believe in, and the rule of gut feelings over logical progression. Meanwhile we city people have sped forward with our revaluation of all values.


40for60 t1_irf8yel wrote

Carlson has about 3 million viewers, less then 1% of the US population, there are assholes out there but its not the prevalent. MAGA for most people was, invest in my rural area and not in the metro areas, give me some love. Also most voters are team voters and rarely switch the fact Trump lost so many GOP voters is the real lesson, people rejected his crap even though he was team Red.


BILOXII-BLUE t1_is3lywe wrote

I know this is an old post, but in case anyone is still browsing it I'd just like to point out that Tucker Carlson is the most watched news journalist on TV. Sean Hannity is the second most watched journalist (or very close), and he's also insanely racist. The whole Fox network is huge on pushing the Great Replacement conspiracy theory which says that immigrants (legal or not) are replacing white people. How anyone can say these racists views are not prevalent in the US is mind blowing.

Tucker isn't some obscure person, he's very popular where I'm from. Conservatives complain about "the evil Mainstream Media™" but don't even realize that their favorite hosts literally are the mainstream media (Fox is the most watched news network in the US)