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Megadamen t1_iskv54c wrote

I think it's almost impossible to talk about the economic left-right in Swedish politics when the political landscape is dominated with GAL-TAN. In example, the economic politics of C is bordering libertarian in some aspects, while SD leans more center in economic questions. S might be far left in an American context, but in a Swedish context I would put them center-left. On the GAL-TAN scale though, I'd say C is GAL (probably even more than V since they got a new leader), SD is clear TAN and S is GAL but more to the center.


LeTonVonLaser t1_isncbje wrote

I think the GAL-TAN scale isn't as common in an international context (at least I couldn't find an english article about it), so to clarify if someone is confused:

GAL = Green, Alternative, Liberal

TAN = Traditional, Authoritarian, Nationalistic