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Inigomntoya OP t1_isrb0g9 wrote

Data Source: Found Golf Balls in a Residential Lot



parrisjd t1_isrc8az wrote

So nice to see one of these that isn't a job search journey or a personal budget.


Euuphoriaa t1_isrg2g6 wrote

Must be from around me because I lose at least 2 prov1x’s every time I play


CoachMorelandSmith t1_isrgh5v wrote

We’d probably have people on Mars by now if weren’t so busy coming up with new kinds of golf balls


dlegofan t1_isrocxk wrote

So I see titleist gets lost the most. I now know how to improve my game.


Venusn99 t1_isru8ft wrote

What type of graph is this?


themodefanatic t1_isrvwn8 wrote

My wife said when she was younger that they used to live near a golf course. And they constantly had a window that would be broke from a stray golf ball. But she also said that everyday there was hundreds of golf balls in the back yard so she would go gather them up and sell them back to the golf course to make a little bit of extra money.


mick_ward t1_isrxwd5 wrote

You're misshing a Penfold Heart.


WordsButFunny t1_iss7ky8 wrote

The big question is are those balls lost more frequently because they're bad balls that veer off, good balls that go further, balls used by worse golfers, or cheap balls used by good players who don't bother to look for them because they're replacable.


psadee t1_isscvbb wrote

I think it should be exact the opposite. As it looks like a really time consuming operation, you should start ASAP. In a situation when you find a job after 4 applications, the answer may be like "nah, tomorrow there will be something for me as well".

Yep, but I know this may be demotivating.


Wlng-Man t1_issd6qa wrote

All these ball types sound like sextoy-names.


ducks_09 t1_issg1gv wrote

How much are they all worth?


Kiflaam t1_issi1fv wrote

This more exciting than golf on the radio.


TipYourDishwasher t1_issn1cq wrote

Very cool. I worked at a country club from ~2004-2014 and I’d estimate they played 90% Titleist and Nike


_The_Bear t1_isswqsm wrote

This kind of data would be better as a nested pie chart. I don't love the choice of a Sankey here.


rededelk t1_ist0o7m wrote

I use Taylor Made soft, just because they are cheap and I suck but really like getting out hacking around. So looks like I am in middle. I don't look balls in the water or woods, just drop new. Have a nice day


TehSillyKitteh t1_ist4nlk wrote

This is survivors bias -- These are the balls that get hit in places you can find.


Give me a list of the balls that have never/will never be found


thefifeman t1_istfvyv wrote

Ha, this guy must have been a pro golfer since birth, to have never had the experience of losing a ball a hole. Congrats on your natural skill, buddy. Might want to go to college to check that statistics logic, though...


FITnLIT7 t1_istgz3c wrote

Another dumb assumption to make.. no one said he found all these balls on one course or during 1 round. He found 51 balls total - the fact he found the most expensive/premium ball the most in a sport that is expensive by nature is no surprise. Odds are not even 2 of those 7 belong to the same person.


mick_ward t1_istj8ie wrote

Not sure about Slazenger. They are still making Penfold Heart. Found a brand new one not too long ago. Bought a little plastic holder for it and keep it on my desk.


elenaran t1_istljw9 wrote

would be interesting to see price data alongside


csk1325 t1_istlo8g wrote

Finding golf clubs brings me joy. It’s always exciting to find expensive balls. Your Prov1 find ratio is impressive.


DiamondIceNS t1_isuomdp wrote

In my view, a Sankey is strongest when it also behaves like a flowchart, using the left-to right axis demonstrating a sequence of events rather than a hierarchy of categories. There's a comment chain in here complaining about the number of employment search Sankeys posted to this sub; as low-effort and overplayed as those posts may be, I think a Sankey suits that kind of use case optimally.

In this situation, where the data is purely hierarchical, I feel it would be clearer as a bar graph. Either a series of bar graphs broken up by manufacturer or a stacked bar graph. The Sankey here is doing... alright, I suppose. But the large amount of 1's in the data and how at the lowest level of breakdown the range of the data doesn't exceed 7, it's a little cluttered and difficult to parse.

IMO, I'd say the Sankey has the same weaknesses as pie charts.


epolonsky t1_isuzjic wrote

I would say that Sankey is best when modeling a literal flow (e.g., electricity through a power station, wastewater through a processing plant, armies over a battlefield) and second best when modeling a metaphorical flow like a job search.

One big problem with how they get used in this sub that I’ve noticed is that the most popular Sankey tools online don’t allow for cyclical flows, which would often be a feature of physical flows.


kculpepper t1_isvfn6n wrote

Lol my dad takes his dogs on the golf course every night and he has a collection of about 10000 golf balls. Imagine the data set on that many balls! Also any ideas on how he can sell them online??


klick1234 t1_isvvpki wrote

As a golfer and data nerd this is awesome.

Just out of curiosity what’s the location of the lot vs the layout of the hole? How far from the tee box? What’s the par of the hole?

I would think those pieces of data would influence the results. Even if it is a fairly small dataset.


ger_my_name t1_isvxhqx wrote

I see that someone else plays at my same golf courses.


Inigomntoya OP t1_isw2hvs wrote

From the blues, the hole is a straight shot, 225 yard par 3 with two big bunkers to the left of the green and a giant bunker in the middle of the fairway about 150 yards away from the blue tees.

The lot is on the left of the hole and about about 65 yards from the bunker in the middle of the fairway.


Inigomntoya OP t1_isw439b wrote

Someone who buys a house on a golf course assumes most of the risk here.

The golf course is not responsible for broken windows. Unless the house was built before the course - in which case the golf course assumes liability for errant golf balls. Because the homeowner didn't buy the house expecting to see golf balls fly anywhere near their home.

Golfers are never legally responsible for damage, as long as they are playing normally and don't intentionally aim at someone's window.

But, a decent human being should still fess up to any damage they've caused and at the very least apologize.