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dasbootdasfoot t1_itw2vl6 wrote

Human beings really are a parasite to the earth and then we have morons (who despite the evidence) deny there's a climate change issue!


-Kaldore- t1_itwd77q wrote

Ya when I think of space I am convinced there's alien beings that are aware of earth. We are simply a planetary locust that Alien parents warn their kids about not to get too close because if we get on their cloths and taken back to their planets we will devour them with enough time also.


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_itws499 wrote

I think there's a few Sci-Fi novels that take the idea that humanity is essentially the Orks in 40K, but IRL. Well, IRL in their novels. If that makes sense.


letsgomark t1_itx39m3 wrote

Bigger problem than climate change is too many people on this planet, or at least on parts of it, and definitely on Java and other parts of Indonesia.

Sure, some say there is enough food to feed all of us plenty, and there is, but at the cost of deforestation like this. And not enough resources for 11 billion people to live the lifestyle of Americans.

In my opinion we shouldn't chop down even one more tree, instead, give room for forests and its inhabitants to expand. If the remaining land isn't enough for humans to live, then we need less people. No murder needed, just population growth control.


dasbootdasfoot t1_ityiaru wrote

Too many people = parasitic behaviour. Consume and multiply till there's nothing left.