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TruthHammerOfLiberty t1_itq745v wrote

in the US you will soon be able to get 10gig internet from google fiber .


psychorameses t1_itqciec wrote

Upvoted for recognizing Hong Kong as a country.

Much appreciated.


delta_Phoenix121 t1_itqf563 wrote

Seeing this as a German with 10-11 Mbps at max really hurts... Welcome to the 3rd world.


freecain t1_itqnvkz wrote

That's average speed. Most of the US won't get that, and even the places that do, most households won't have access to it. Considering the large swath of rural and poorer urban areas with dsl still counting as "Broadband" (or not even having that) it will take a lot more to bring up our average. The solution isn't faster speeds: most people don't even need 100 mbps (let alone 1 gig or even 10), what we need is better connectivity for the skipped over places

The solution: make highspeed Internet a protected utility like electricity or water. Allow any community to run their own ISP, and set up templates and support at a national level.


Life-at-the-gym t1_itquewf wrote

My internet speed is 350/12. I have both fast and slow internet at the same time. Fuck cable.


Aspiring-Top-G t1_itqwyjw wrote

Mine is 40Mbps up/down. More than enough for my use case.


guy_with_usles_degre t1_itr2kgv wrote

my internet speed is 200 kbps and u r saying slowest speed is 4mbps


BigHobbit t1_itr6rxo wrote

I used to pay for the 1g att stuff, never saw it get over 70m and usually averaged about 40m when tracking it. I sent in multiple service issue requests, they told me it was working as intended and there was something wrong on either my end or my tracker.

Downgraded my service to their 100m stuff, and I've seen no change in speeds, just a change on the bill.


thamdelnir t1_itr9hg4 wrote

Privatization in the US at work here folks. "The Market"


Mountain-Interest-48 t1_itrhip0 wrote

never get att. Always have had problems with themm. I have the comcast xfi i pay 60 a month for and I get a "max" of 600mbps but i usually get over that ranging from 600-750. Crazy ive never had a cable company put me over what I pay for


WankerMcDoogle t1_itrkniq wrote

Country average, just because you are paying for the shittiest satellite internet possible doesn't mean the rest of your country does. I live in Southern California but have satellite internet. I'm probably in the lowest 1% of speeds in the state; California internet is still one of the best on average.


ServingSize_OneNut t1_itru3k5 wrote

Att and other isp companies will blatantly rip you off and throttle your speeds. If internet is important to you, it’s soooo worth it to live somewhere where you can get google fiber. I do, and truly do experience close to the advertised 1gb speeds


BigHobbit t1_its0hf3 wrote

It's not that important to me really. I live on a farm on the outskirts of town so it wasn't till just 10 years ago we could get cable, but they've done all sorts of expansions around us and now I have some options. To me it was more about the attitude they had about saying it's my fault it's not faster.


BARATHEON96 t1_its57v8 wrote

The problem in america is local cities will give monopolies to companies for providing internet. Very anti free market. The best thing to do is treat internet like a utility. Allow the state to build infrastructure and then allow internet companies to compete. Much like how electricity infrastructure is owned by the state but you can get your electricity from different sources that compete on price. Can even ocik green companies if you want. That's pretty good.

Another way but problematic is simply allow companies to compete and don't allow government to get involved at all. But it costs a lot of money to build necessary infrastructure. So many companies won't do it.


BARATHEON96 t1_its5c5c wrote

But atleast it's free lol. How socialists amcan look at cuba or venezuela or nothing korea and think that's a good system is beyond me. Funny how none of them trying moving there.


LukePendergrass t1_itt7x6g wrote

Romania out of nowhere. Feels like cheating for the two city-states, and HK as a semi-city-state


Dishless t1_ittca4f wrote

there's already a ISP in the US named EPB that has been offering 10 gig since 2015 and they are now offering up to 25 gig , but it's only available in just one city and that is Chattanooga , Tennessee


leadz579 t1_ittwbs9 wrote

I'm getting 5-8 mbps in NRW, Germany


andara84 t1_itu0f0d wrote

I was almost expecting to see Germany in the bottom ten. More than 75% of conservative governments in the last 40 years do leave a trace in the infrastructure.


RickyRosayy t1_iu2q6ox wrote

Probably an issue with the complex. Some are just wired better and capable of transmitting that much data, others aren’t. Still a tech should be able to tell you if you’re even gonna get your money’s worth of that 1G plan.