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Killawife t1_iue92os wrote

Imagine if a more intelligent species found out we were testing nukes on our own planet. That would be like, SO embarrassing.


albundyhere t1_iuf5512 wrote

guaranteed why they have never shown themselves. star fleet prime directive is prohibition on interference with the other primitive cultures and civilizations that are devolving.


PanchoZansa t1_iuekiik wrote

Well if they are so superior and intelligent they will figure out that resources are limited and one does not simply has the money and time to launch a space mission every time that a nuclear bomb wants to be tested :P


the_catshark t1_iuev6da wrote

The larger issue is if the rocket fails, and that bomb goes elsewhere. Also rockets to space are *really* expensive.


PanchoZansa t1_iufraiw wrote

For sure. Not to mention it is a show-off towards other countries in a “don’t mess with me”


Killawife t1_iueua00 wrote

I don't think they would come to that conclusion at all.


PanchoZansa t1_iufr52v wrote

I think that, if they somehow managed to travel those endless distances and see us do things, for sure they’ll understand and did something similar at the time


Killawife t1_iuggxse wrote

No I dont think so. We only need to look back at human history a few hundred years to think "O boy those people were stupid." Imagine then coming from a thousand years in the future and seeing a planet full of people NOT working together towards a common goal, NOT looking after the only place they have to live on and not bothering to think for even a second on what will be the resuts of what they are doing right now. They wont be thinking "Oh, how cute, they are just like we were". They will be thinking more in the line of: "Execute order 66"


PanchoZansa t1_iugopi3 wrote

In which specific situation would you say "those people were stupid"? In at, at least, a topic related with this one?
I hate to be a boomer but a thoundsand years ago people were not working together. In fact, a couple of thoundsand ago neither did they. Why would they do so in a thousand years in the future?
I get you are optimistic. But it is very hard to get into an agreement even with your neighbours. Take a look at what it took to the government to make us all "united": force, civil wars.... and even so we are not that close. It would be quite difficult to go on a all hands in together without at least a strong "empire" that forces us all to do so.


Killawife t1_iuj4xcq wrote

I actually agree with most of what you say here and these things are faults of the human race. They don't have to exist in another race though. And its also very likely that if things develop they way they are everyone WILL be part of a strong "empire" that is actually really effective in gettign things done. Not nessecarily in the best way unfortunately but still. I'm talking ofcourse about China which is the fastest developing superpower at the moment.


obscure_greenleaf t1_iuf5b36 wrote

"Oh look, they can't make space missions more affordable"

Yeah, still embarrassing


PanchoZansa t1_iufrijm wrote

Yeah, we should be using magical floating devices instead


CoachMorelandSmith t1_iuekzrp wrote

It’s as embarrassing as telling the firefighters that you decided to build a campfire in your own house


Ultimate_Decoy t1_iug12ze wrote

They're probably looking at us and just enjoying the show. Why waste resources to destroy civilizations when they are willingly doing it to themselves? Just come in after and push aside the debris, and you have all the free real estates you want. Assuming they can deal with the radiations.

Edit: typo


L_knight316 t1_iufg5d8 wrote

I see no reason to believe they would be particularly shocked, if we were to make assumptions about intelligence based on the fact we're the most intelligent species on the planet.


Killawife t1_iufq0cx wrote

Well, we, as a species is incredubly dull. If humanity survives all the shit that is going on and lives on for another hundred years, people will look back and say: "what the fuck were they thinking?" So if an alien race is thousands of years older than us and more evolved they will ofcourse wonder how fucking stupid you must be to nuke your own planet and just get rid of the little pests before they cause further harm.