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MeMoses t1_it3pvso wrote

>I don’t ask you to back up how rivers running low is a major risk for the future :(.

But I've got the sources, not like you. One Two Three

>See I’m nice. It’s just too hard to find everything in the time it takes to go poo.

So you are not only taking a shit you are also talking shit since you don't even know what to quickly google to get the sources for what you talk about. I get it. But keep on rocking that nuclear fandom with zero sources.


BDMblue t1_it3tcn2 wrote

I gave multiple sources for things. You find a harder to find fact and act like that’s it. 1st I have to google country’s who moved from nuclear to green then I have to find emissions based on megawatt hour. Not only that but charts or I’ll have to read data sheets. It’s not like it’s a fact pushed publicly, like solar good nuclear bad.

All the elected officials want is to please the misinformed public to get re-elected. Teaching people facts is the best way to lose power.

I’ll find the sources tomorrow. This is like the Musk did not invent the hyper loop. Too much googling sources… why do I hate my self so much :(


MeMoses t1_it3uzml wrote

>I gave multiple sources for things.

In this whole conversation we've had there's exactly one link to any sources from you. You can even get that right.

>1st I have to google country’s who moved from nuclear to green then I have to find emissions based on megawatt hour. Not only that but charts or I’ll have to read data sheets. It’s not like it’s a fact pushed publicly, like solar good nuclear bad.

Ahh so you'll first have to find the multiple countries you've previously so confidently claimed were there and then you have to confirm what you previously claimed as fact. And all because of the conspiracy where people want to keep nuclear down.

>All the elected officials want is to please the misinformed public to get re-elected. Teaching people facts is the best way to lose power.

Haha. They are all conspiring against you, I'll believe it in a second. Beware they are also putting LSD in your water and mindcontrolling your friends with satellites from Mars.

>I’ll find the sources tomorrow

Of course you will. Right after you've fought off all those secret spies that want to kill you now that you've told me all your secret information.