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TheCriticalAmerican t1_it6pqer wrote

Why these countries? I'm confused exactly what I'm supposed to take away from this graphic. I mean, it's interesting, but why are so many countries having a negative real interest rate? Would it be possible to group these countries by some common trait?

I just don't know what I'm supposed to take away from this.


tom_fuckin_bombadil t1_it7epq1 wrote

Especially since many of the points are unlabelled. I understand labelling would have been a nightmare but OP could have at least opted to used different types of markers depending on a category (such as by continent, or political affiliation or even level of development).


tilapios t1_it6vhl1 wrote

>I just don't know what I'm supposed to take away from this.

The link to OP's Substack, obviously. (/s)


The_Maddest t1_ita2cd3 wrote

It’s cherry-picked data to show that “rAiSinG iNtErEST rAtEs woN’t FiX iNfLaTiON”. OP is butt hurt about his mortgage because they overbought.


BeastlyDecks t1_it7bfet wrote

Honestly I just think you're supposed to leave with some vague sense of "China good" from this...
