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escalinci t1_iu9xuty wrote

Which is pretty fucking ironic given the state of that country for those who happen to be gay.


killereggs15 t1_iu9zfgx wrote

I mean… pink isnt what id consider a ‘gay’ color. You could say its girly, but yknow Poland has more girls than gays.


Relative_Challenger t1_iua3nfa wrote

It might be different in other countries, but where I'm from (the Netherlands) pink is definitely associated with gayness. After the second world war, when gay men in concentration camps were forced to wear a pink triangle badge, the symbol and color were reclaimed as symbols for queer rights. And even though the rainbow flag is now a more well-known symbol, it is still quite common for LGBTQ+ spaces/events to signify their intended audience by calling themselves 'pink bars/parties/...'.