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Throwdaway543210 t1_itbe0pi wrote

What are some of the "Other" economic sectors?


Disastrous-Year571 t1_itbh9ot wrote

There is no explanation of that category at the Genuine Impact website, and the World Bank doesn’t classify GDP into 4 sectors in any of the documents I could find.

I wonder if “Other” in this chart it is things like mining, transportation, fishing, or real estate, which often are included in the 3 primary sectors in other datasets. Hard to know.


waszumfickleseich t1_itci9oz wrote

the official numbers for Germany are

agriculture 0.9%

construction 5.5%

industry excluding construction 24%

service 69.5%

those numbers add up to around 100%

OP's chart says Industry includes construction, but from my numbers above that definitely can't be the case. Can only explain that while it says it's included in "Industry", it actually is not and therefore it was added to the "other" category, just like you said


JohnDeere6930Premium t1_itdpl4y wrote

Construction is a service


Gone247365 t1_itds6p7 wrote

Manufacturing is a service


Goodasaholiday t1_itbx0lz wrote

Whatever it is, it's something that China does not do at all *)


Leetcoder20 t1_itc5us1 wrote

fair Elections?


afromanspeaks t1_itc8ea5 wrote

Rent free


Leetcoder20 t1_itcawpi wrote

A Chinese shill? Interesting.


Throwdaway543210 t1_itceg0h wrote

Going through the comment history, it is fascinating the amount of comments made on any post having to do with China.


afromanspeaks t1_itcbbly wrote

Lol what? Pointing out insecurities is shilling now?



Leetcoder20 t1_itcm02k wrote

Having a pain in ass for criticising the CCP is a major asshole move, "shill" is still too decent for someone like you.


BananaWitcher t1_itdila3 wrote

Land deals and property taxes, I guess? In China, there is no private land and no property tax.


Ulyks t1_iu49kcg wrote

On paper there is no private land but in reality there are a huge amount of land deals.

The government is buying out the farmers and selling the land to developers all the time.

Taxes aren't counted in GDP, that would be GDI.

GDP = consumption + investment + government spending +/- (exports - imports)


pyr4lspr1t3 t1_ite04si wrote

I would imagine quaternary industry - research and the like - falls within it. Apart from that, no idea.


itchy_008 t1_itfhrgg wrote

anything that does not involve selling, buying or processing. or selling anything bought or processed. or buying anything sold or processed. or processing anything bought or sold. or repairing anything sold, bought or processed.