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Mwakay t1_ithdq71 wrote

Very interesting ! At least when it comes to studying the behaviour of hateful eugenists. But I suppose it's easily to become insulting when your poisonous rhetoric is being pointed out.

Whether you accept it or not, it's notorious that social mobility is extremely hard in France. The very fact that you have x25 chances of entering a Grande École when you live in Paris is revelating, especially when you know parisian candidates are a minority. Your attempt at pushing the discourse that you're 330 times more likely to get into ENA after your father did on grounds of IQ alone is ridiculous. You could talk about IQ if you had x100 chances of getting into ENA when you had a certain grade average in school or something, but that's not the case.

We're talking social reproduction and you're babbling genetic reproduction, probably because your disastrous neoliberal "based" worldview doesn't fit with the facts presented here.


MIIMK t1_itho9eh wrote

Sorry I don't have time to lose! Keep hating on rather than trying to understand and don't forget to downvote and to put a reply nobody will read
