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Achillies2heel t1_itptibo wrote

Winters gonna be an experience huh...


685327594 t1_itqkf7l wrote

That's not really what this graph shows. Europe's gas storage is very high and a warm winter is expected. Everything should be OK so long as the forecast stays warm.


Achillies2heel t1_itqlsno wrote

1: your assuming % gas storage means they have enough, storage is for emergencies and the amounts vary per country.

2: I trust weathermen as much as I trust the russians to not commit war crimes.


685327594 t1_itqmfiq wrote

Just to be clear it's not really my opinion, it's the experts opinion. That's why prices have been plummeting recently:


Achillies2heel t1_itqmlgr wrote

Prices are plummeting because europe is headed for a deep recession.


685327594 t1_itqnj9g wrote

Well, its kind of a chicken and egg scenario. The high prices are what's CAUSING the recession.


ASK_IF_IM_PENGUIN t1_itpu62d wrote

Yes it has the potential to be.

Prepare now.

Now is the time to think about backup heating, lighting, cooking, making sure you have warm clothes, battery packs etc etc.

Still a while to prepare, and hopefully it won't be needed, but there's no harm in doing so or as much as you can.
