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Artchantress t1_itlpjkq wrote

I was surprised to find that material well being/occupation is not in top 2 for US. The stories about the office culture over there are insane, and a lot of people seem to be proud about working over 40 hours a week.


spartikle t1_itmxshk wrote

Key word: “stories.” The average American worker works just under 39 hours a week.


gone_internal t1_itpg18q wrote

There is some truth to it. I'm thinking those stories come from salaried office jobs. Most lawyers, doctors, auditors, military, and other professionals I work with can easily put in 70 hours a week. And as far as those weekly hour averages are calculated, I wonder how they include people with 2 or more jobs. Also, I suspect that we don't have a great leave system here compared to other developed countries.


pgnshgn t1_itmzfec wrote

US office culture is more of a free for all than a lot of places, for good and bad. You don't have unions telling the Type As and workaholics to back off and stop working so much, so they're free to do so, and earn that sweet sweet overtime. The flip-side is when one of those types ends up in charge, there's not a lot to stop them from putting those expectations onto the people below them either. Which you end up with can vary by industry, company, and even division within a company.


CocoMelodia t1_itp2fua wrote

I think this chart can also reflect what people are lacking in each country. The US is very individualistic and people actually crave more connection. The responders probably didn’t think of material well-being as having as much purpose because they already have it.


YellowSub70 t1_itpcis1 wrote

Yup. U.S. is definitely missing Health and Society. Instead -we have Faith. Thoughts and prayers everyone!!


tuan_kaki t1_itpq8v3 wrote

Yo hear me out. What if we start exporting thoughts and prayers in exchange for materials again? It’ll be the greatest trade deal, the heathens get high quality ‘murican thoughts and prayers and we get critical resources like oil and fancy minerals!

Man they should make me the secretary of commerce


Sketzell t1_itozm5k wrote

Occupation is not something that gives your life meaning, just something that helps you survive. Most people in the US hate their job but they go anyway.

Honestly the reason the US is so depressing right now is because people don't feel like the things they spend most of their time doing are meaningful in any way.


WingerRules t1_itzpc7c wrote

Many people feel empty or worthless if they're not working, for some its their only means of social interaction even if they're not close friends, some might be genuinely interested in what they're doing, some might like the power/status of their position, etc so not surprised to see it listed so high up.


Sketzell t1_itzwoyx wrote

But I thought we were talking about why it wasn't higher up