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NEYO8uw11qgD0J t1_itneqca wrote

Being an American is such a mixed bag sometimes. On the one hand, we're the only developed nation backward enough to have "Faith" make the Top 5. But on the other, I'm proud of the fact we prioritize Friends over Occupation. It's shocking how only two other countries rank Friends that highly.


DaeronDaDaring t1_itnqdbd wrote

What’s wrong with finding meaning in faith? As long as you’re not hurting anyone I don’t see the issue. If faith helps a person keep going forward and find happiness in their life, I don’t see anything wrong with that.


almightygarlicdoggo t1_ito3yfv wrote

There's nothing wrong with faith being a priority, but it's wrong, and a bit sad, when this graph points out that in the US faith is a bigger priority than health, society or hobbies. Especially health.


autarky_architect t1_itooeaz wrote

Maybe so, but faith is an important part of spiritual health ,spiritual health is an important part of mental health,and mental health is a significant part of physical health and hygiene.

A person's faith is often cited as the driving force for why they were willing to help others (especially in times of personal danger) .

To argue faith somehow undermines a person's priority to health or society is simply naive.


pk10534 t1_itog3w7 wrote

It's not a zero sum game though. I can be Christian or Muslim and feel very devoted to my faith and still take great care of my health. I don't wake up and have to choose between my priorities being my hobbies and having faith. Ranking my faith above health for my values does not mean I don't take care of myself just as much as somebody with no faith.


Truthirdare t1_itpbnec wrote

Not surprised faith was a priority in the US. People of faith often spend much of their social time in their church activities, volunteering, bible study, choir, etc. I am lucky to be in good health so don’t think a lot about it. But I pray daily and am appreciative of my faith. And as a Christian, we believe in the resurrection and afterlife, which is kind of a big deal. So, not surprising to me at all that faith made one of the top sources of meaning. I know my Jewish and Muslim neighbors feel the same.


desnyr t1_ito6zwx wrote

Health or society should be number one. Those are really the true things that guarantee survival in a society. Not going to live very long being obese or depressed.


13lacle t1_itooffi wrote

To begin with faith has a definition issue which causes confusion. Where people use it colloquially to mean different things that are similar but not interchangeable. Such as trust, hope, confidence, belief, evidence and evidence of things not seen. Then it can be misinterpreted between people, or have the meaning changed in-between premises which can trick people.

For what is the harm, faith is what allows people to smuggle in insufficient evidence to support their claims. This causes people to believe false information, which once convinced of they will then act on. This includes direct actions and indirect such as voting for harmful policies or not stopping someone else from doing something harmful. Another harm is false hope. Secondarily, if you use faith as a method for determining what is true in one situation, you are more susceptible to it in other. Opening yourself up to being conned.


HugginMySnuggie t1_ito9pu0 wrote

Somehow Maternal Well-being made the top 3 when we are the only industrialized nation without mandated paid maternal/paternal leave
