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Cubelia t1_itqclhd wrote

Taiwanese here, I'd say we mostly recognize the problems by ourselves(self aware). The interviews are pretty much spot on.

  • Good social relationship(knowing as many people as you can) is a must have if you work in Taiwan.

  • Price index/inflation(material well-being) is a rising concern, especially real estate market(dare I say it's shit).

  • Taiwan is a small place, you wouldn't have to worry about arranging and traveling 500+ km just to have family reunion.

  • Work hour and wage(occupation) is a problem(again, shit) compared to western countries. Hard working is pretty much taken to the next level in Taiwan. We're well aware of this but life still has to go on. (This has some sort of correlation with craving for freedom.)

  • We have one of the best national health care system in the world, that's why we're not really concerned about health.(though cancer prevalence rate is still concerning)


TheCasualParry t1_itqcy5c wrote

Everything sounds fine or normal (at least to me), except the working thing. I hope you have a non-stressful job.


Cubelia t1_itr18gq wrote

Thanks man, contentment is strong among Taiwanese citizens and we're happy about what we have now, no worries on my part!

Additional info on society: Again, Taiwan is so small and the chances of meeting someone you knew is quite a thing, not crazy common but possible.(population density is 640 people/km^2)

i.e. Your colleague or even the boss might be your old schoolmate or used to be at the same platoon(if you served in the military). Chances are, just eating in a random restaurant and met with your old friend is entirely possible.